Amazone Citan 15001 C v1.0.0.2
Amazone Citan 15001 C v1.0.0.2
This is a model from Giants including color selections from GIANTS, a rolling function, additional chamber configurations and an increased working speed on 25.
Before any more nonsense comes up, the color selection comes from some forum post from Giants from several years ago and was simply adapted for the 25 to the format that Giants itself is currently using! The sowing machine is error-free and is ready for upcoming mod maps, provided that no new harvesting machines are introduced, the sowing machine will be able to do everything except rice.
Author: sugarle666
helper did not work with this mod
This mod direct seeds fine when I use it, but the Ai will only use this as not being no till, in other words will use this on plowed or cultivated but not over stubble etc.