Easy Dev Controls v1.0

Easy Dev Controls v1.0
Easy dev for FS25. Easy Development Controls is designed as a testing tool for modders, mappers, and content creators. It can also assist with gameplay setups or any other way you wish to play the game.
Author: Supreme Farts Mawding
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
I think the mod is not working properly. After entering the game, my screen freezes after 10 seconds and I can’t do anything. I press the assigned keys, but nothing happens. Is there a solution to this problem?
+1 on this, took me a while to realise it was this mod but can confirm this isn’t working and freezes my game.
same for me….
same for me
I had the same problem. Just wont worck. And onelt way out is ALT F4.
me to the mod freeze the game only alt F4 worked
mod keeps freezing game
Mod full of errors and does not work
Game freezing after few seconds. Bad convert from fs22 :-/
Errors in Mod. Mod causes game to freeze and I have to quit to reset and play.
mod does not work for me eithier
Mod doesn’t work, the game freezes after a few seconds
The mod does not work and crashes the game.
Mod funktionslos. F12 reagiert nicht.
this mod crashes my game doesn’t work at all
Мод не работает,игра зависает,минус за недоработку.
The mod does not work and crashes the game.
The mod has errors and freezes the game
Doesn’t work, crashed the game!
ce mods me bloque ma partie a 0%
ne fonctionne même pas fait planter la partie version du mods v1.0.0.0 et apprêt le téléchargement c’est v1.3.0.2 la même pour FS 22…. Donc se mods a pas été converti pour fs 25
Auch bei mir…..Spiel friert ein… Spieler läuft automatisch los, hält nicht mehr an!
Ich habe den Mod Easy Dev Controls v1.0 ausprobiert und musste feststellen, dass er sowohl im Singleplayer als auch auf dem Multiplayer-Server extreme Probleme verursacht. Innerhalb von 10 Sekunden nach dem Start friert das Spiel komplett ein – egal, ob ich alleine spiele oder auf dem Server bin.
Das ist nicht nur frustrierend, sondern macht den Mod aktuell unbrauchbar. Ich bin wirklich sehr verärgert, da ich gehofft hatte, dass der Mod das Spielerlebnis verbessert, aber stattdessen sorgt er nur für Abstürze und blockierte Spiele.
Ich hoffe, dass die Entwickler schnell reagieren und ein Update herausbringen, das diese Probleme behebt. Bis dahin kann ich den Mod nicht empfehlen.
Zusammenfassung: Easy Dev Controls v1.0 → Vorsicht: Spiel und Server frieren ein!
Mod crashes game and takes out PC.
nao funciona
Does not work dang this is the best mod ever pls make it work
I agree that it is the best mod
Bad conversion, why are people still doing this?
Stimme ich euch allen zu müssen unbedingt funktionsfähig machen
Supreme Farts Mawding and not GTX? No wonder it doesnt work. Wonder where they got the idea…
Leider stürtzt mein spiel nach dem ich F12 gedrückt habe.
mod freezes the game after about a minute running. Tobi head tracking still works and I see particles moving in the air, but any keyboard or controller interactions are not responsive.
mod froze game straight after character load.
well like all the rest from here. Doesn’t work. please test before posting releases
when can we expect updated version please
the mod doesn’t work, there is a “lua” error
which causes the game to crash
can someone do this mod work properly pls this is best mod ever…
Still not working
Cela ne peut pas fonctionner c’est des gens qui change juste le modesc de version rien de plus arrêter de télécharger ce style de mod il vont mettre au minimum 1 mois avant de venir sachant que giant 10 vient de sortir aujourd’hui. Tant que le moddeur officiel du esay dev control ne le partage pas alors il ne fonctionnera pas
Ne fonctionne pas sur FS 25 et pourtant il fonctionnait sur FS 22 . Veuillez faire les modifications SVP . Remerciements.
The reason why it is not working correctly is. The original modder did not give his permission to this on here to alter it, and its from fs22 also. You have to wait for the the original modder to do it
Game freezes when pressing the mods key to use it.
This is a broken mod, and one that the original author doesn’t post.
the mod does not work when you start the game with the mod the game freezes and crashes
it works if you enable dev mode in game
How to do that?
oyun donuyor klavye ve denetleyiciler çalışmıyor. tek çıkar yol alt f4
yardım pls
thought this might help
it is giving the error message 2024-12-06 08:29 Error: Running LUA method ‘update’.
C:/Users/xxxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_EasyDevControls/scripts/main.lua:93: attempt to call missing method ‘showYesNoDialog’ of table
To anyone wondering why this mod doesnt work it’s because this person just downloaded the FS22 mod by GtX and uploaded it here without any changes.
c’est de la merde et en plus il vole les mods des autre moddeur
Unfortunately, the game freezes
Rubbish, next time post something that actually works instead of copying a mod from FS22 without converting it!
el mod no funciona me pasa como a los demas se congela la pantalla y termino con alt f4 para salir
Not working