American Farmhouse V1.0

American Farmhouse V1.0
This is an American style farmhouse. There are 4 different variations. Two houses without garages with different roofs and the same two houses with garages.
Farmhouse 1
Category: Farmhouses
Price: €35,000
Monthly upkeep: €5
Configurations: Color selection
Farmhouse 2
Category: Farmhouses
Price: €35,000
Monthly upkeep: €5
Configurations: Color selection
Farmhouse 3
Category: Farmhouses
Price: €45,000
Monthly upkeep: €5
Configurations: Color selection
Farmhouse 4
Category: Farmhouses
Price: €45,000
Monthly upkeep: €5
Configurations: Color selection
Author: OmaTana
Love your mods, can I suggest offering these farmhouses in a version without the flower pot and tree/ball out front. Thanks, Rob