ArmeusMap v3.0

ArmeusMap v3.0
Here I would like to present to you my very first self-built LS map.
– PDA adapted.
– New loading screen.
– Field -> 40 -> 41 *New*
– Bridges added to the lake.
– Animal trade changed.
– Second moving boat added.
– Speed of boats increased.
– New pedestrian splines added (pedestrians).
– Dirt tracks added to some field path exits.
– Field -> 16 -> 18 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 36 -> 37 -> 38 -> new field shape.
– Forest 1 spruce trees moved that were stuck in the raised area at the edge.
– BGA terrain rebuilt (BGA must now be bought, but the land can also be bought).
– Error in animal trade fixed, you no longer spawn in the middle of the animal trade when teleporting to the farmland.
– The AutoDrive.config is still from V2 and needs to be adapted to V3, experienced users can easily do this themselves, but unfortunately I don’t have time for it at the moment.
The map is my own invention and is not based on any real-life region.
I worked on the map for over 3 months and am now happy to be able to present it to you.
As this is my first map, please don’t expect a high quality map here.
– 2 farms
– 6 forest areas
– 39 field areas
– 10 productions
– 50 collectibles
ArmeusMap is a 2-fold map
Author: Armeus
first, nice map.
Are u sure its version v.3.0
moddesc says v.2.0
There was a good map. There was. Before these crooked fields appeared.
Someone who CAN farm, can work crooked fields.
Those who CANNOT optimize their work SHOULD NOT engage in agriculture. And not only
I meant to say that those that can play the game, can work crooked fields, or just make the fields square if you want. This is a good map. The crooked fields don’t make it a bad map.
Bonsoir pour la scierie il n’y a pas la zone de déchargement des copaux de bois, je l’ai cherché mais je ne l’ai pas trouvée car elle n’ai pas matérialisée. Bonne soirée
Good evening for the sawmill there is no unloading area for wood chips, I looked for it but I did not find it because it did not materialize.
Some vehicles fly on the roads.
The worker mod does not work on the map.
Good evening