Autodrive US Flatlands Map 4x V1.0

Autodrive US Flatlands Map 4x V1.0
US Flatlands Map 4x
Installed with AD According to my ideas!
Map version 3.0.0 I have collected the courses for myself and have made them available for download here.
– All fields and some field edge courses
– All productions
– All points of sale
– Break points in some construction sites
– Parking spaces at some key locations
– BGA run in and tested
Please only report errors and small requests for changes.
Author: Gerhard
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
Ich habe alle Punkte ins Niederländische und Englische übersetzt. Wenn Sie dies hochladen müssen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte über Discord: Prestovb