Bee Hives V1.1

Bee Hives V1.1
There 6 bee hives with this small pack
Building Type; Bee hive
Price; £875
category; Animals > Bees
Building Type; Old rusted car hive
Price; £1500
category; Animals > Bees
Building Type; Small Hive
Price; £1000
category; Animals > Bees
Building Type; Medium Hive
Price; £2500
category; Animals > Bees
Building Type; Large Hive
Price; £8000
category; Animals > Bees
Building Type; XL Hive
Price; £12000
category; Animals > Bees
Building Type; Pallet Spawner
Price; £200
spawn upto 30 pallets
category; Animals > Bees
– Fixed error with wooden bee hive now correctly displays info box
Author: MISSYB