Cannabis DLC Pack v1.0

Cannabis DLC Pack v1.0

Cannabis DLC Pack – The Complete Cannabis Farm Production Pack is back from FS22! Completely remade from the ground up for FS25 with New Filltypes, Ways to Cultivate and more!

Cannabis DLC Pack Features:

  • 23 NEW FillTypes – Cannabis, Cannabis Swath, Cannabis Seeds, Cannabis Seedlings, Cannabis Teens, Dried Cannabis, Trimmed Cannabis Buds, Cannabis Biofuel, Reverse Osmosis Water, FoxFarm Big Bloom, FoxFarm Grow Big, FoxFarm Tiger Bloom, FoxFarm Happy Frog Soil, Cannabis Honey, Cannacrete, Cannabricks, Cannabis Infused Bread, Cannabis Infused Cake, Cannawood Chips, Cannawood Boards, Cannawood Planks, Cannawood Beams, Cannawood Prefab Walls
  • Custom Vehicle Store Category and Build Menu Category for ALL vehicles, equipment, products, and placeables
  • Custom Vehicle Store Category location: Vehicle Menu > Drivables > Squigglze Cannabis DLC Pack
  • Custom Build Menu Category location: Build Menu > Productions > Cannabis DLC Pack
  • Custom Store Pack Category: Store Packs > Cannabis DLC Pack
  • Custom Height Type XML. All Cannabis DLC Pack BULK products can be dumped on the ground on any map
  • Cannabis can be fed to ALL Animals!
  • Cannabis Glass Greenhouses
  • Cannabis Seedling Growhouse
  • Cannabis Vegetative Growhouse
  • Cannabis Flowering Growhouse
  • Cannabis Drying Tent
  • Cannabis Trimming Barn
  • Cannabis Swath Shredder – Shred your Cannabis into Cannabis Swath to further certain productions requiring Cannabis Swath
  • FoxFarm Fertilizers can be bought in store and can also be used on ALL CROPS for field crop fertilization (Liquid Fertilizers Only)
  • Wildlife gets a little crazy. With cannabis introduced to nature more crows and deer will appear!
  • Customized Cannabis DLC Pack Vehicles and Tools
  • Cannabis DLC Pack Handtool Objects – Glass Bongs, Spray Paint, and more! (Cannabis DLC Pack Spray Paint is half the price with double the amount of sprays per can! 15 Color Selections covering all base game colors and additional custom colors)
  • Squigglze Smoking Shed – A Place to bring your farm helpers at the end of the day to unwind and store your Cannabis DLC Pack Handtool Objects. Don’t forget to bring your smoking chair
  • Uncle J-Pops Bud N Breakfast – A sell station you can bring all your Bulk Cannabis and Cannabis Products to, it also is a place you can crash for the night and wake up nice and refreshed!
  • Browens Smoke Shop – A Sell Station for all Cannabis DLC Products
  • Ryrans Farm Kiosk – A Small Sell Station for all BULK Cannabis DLC Filltypes
  • Cannabis Beehive – Produces Cannabis Honey
  • Cannabis Flag – Cannabis DLC Pack Flag that generates income
  • Cannabis Dog House – A Cannabis styled dog house for your pup to relax in
  • Cannabis Biofuel Tank – A placeable tank supplied with Cannabis Biofuel which is needed for certain Production Points and Vehicles
  • Reverse Osmosis Water Wind Wheel – A water tank powered by a windmill which holds RO Water (Reverse Osmosis Water). RO Water is needed for greenhouses and growhouses
  • Cannabis Farm Silo – Hold ALL BULK Cannabis DLC Pack Filltypes – 4,200,000 ltr capacity
  • TigerFiber Cannacrete Production – Produces the worlds strongest Cannacrete in a pile for you to pickup, load and bring to production points or construction jobs
  • Cannabis Bakery – Half Baked & Fully Roasted Produces Cannabis Infused Bread and Cannabis Infused Cake
  • Cannafuel Gas Station – Fill up at your local 4-20 gas station for the highest quality Cannafuel around. Each Cannafuel pump fills at 100 ltrs/sec
  • Constructible Garage – Requires various Cannabis DLC Pack products to complete the build
  • Cannabis Sawmill – Bring Cannabis Swath and Wood to get Cannawood Planks, Cannawood Boards, Cannawood Beams, Cannawood Prefab Walls and Cannawood Chips

Cannabis Cultivation and Production Procedures:

Cannabis Cultivation Method 1 (Simplified Slow Cannabis Glass Greenhouse Method*)
1 – Buy Cannabis Seeds (Big Bags) at the store, or in BULK from the Cannabis Bulk Buying Station
2 – Bring Cannabis Seeds and R.O. Water to a Large, Medium, or Small Cannabis Glass Greenhouse to produce Cannabis Pallets
3 – Collect Cannabis to Sell or bring to further Production Points

*Cannabis Glass Greenhouses are very slow at producing Cannabis Pallets. Be patient.*

Cannabis Cultivation Method 2 (Faster True Cannabis Farmer**)
1 – Bring Cannabis Seeds, FoxFarm Big Bloom Fertilizer and R.O. Water to a Cannabis Germination Grow Room and produce Cannabis Seedlings Pallets
2 – Take Cannabis Seedlings, FoxFarm Grow Big Fertilizer, FoxFarm Tiger Happy Frog Soil, R.O. Water and Cannabis Biofuel to a Cannabis Vegetative Grow House that will produce Cannabis Teen Plants
3 – Cannabis Teen Plants, FoxFarm Tiger Bloom Fertilizer, FoxFarm Tiger Happy Frog Soil, R.O. Water, and Cannabis Biofuel can then be brought to a Cannabis Flowering Grow House and produce Cannabis Pallets
4 – Cannabis Pallets can then be sold or brought to a Cannabis Drying Facility

** Cannabis is produced faster with the help of FoxFarm Fertilizers in exchange for the extra work and cost of Fertilizers. All FoxFarm Fertilizers can be bought in store along with Cannabis Seeds**

Cannabis Drying & Trimming Productions***
1 – Bring Cannabis Pallets (From Method 1 or 2***) to a Cannabis Drying Facility to let your crop dry out and produce Dried Cannabis
2 – Dried Cannabis can then be brought to a Cannabis Trimming Facility. Producing Trimmed Cannabis Buds Pallets and Cannabis Seeds

***Cannabis grown in a field (Specific Cannabis Maps Only) can also be brought to Cannabis Drying & Trimming Facilities to further production of Cannabis***

Cannabis Productions
Bring your Trimmed Cannabis Buds Pallets to Sell Stations or further Cannabis Productions.

Author: Squigglze

Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.

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14 Responses

  1. Asgard77 says:

    First of all, thank you for the mod.
    I wanted to let you know that in construction mode, I can’t see any production/storage buildings or the mod’s sales points.

  2. goyu73 says:

    When loading the game, many serious errors appear in the file, especially in the Cannabis King 3400 SR

  3. goyu73 says:

    Asgard77, Are you sure you don’t get it? Look in the factories area, greenhouses at the end, it’s a separate tab

  4. Jesse says:


  5. RT says:

    I to get alot of errors when loading and also when trying to buy the King 3400 SR

  6. Pete says:

    How do you download the zip file?

  7. Mackdawg says:

    I keep getting “out of space” when the teen plants get finished in vegetative growhouse? nothing is even spawning in the spot to move out of the way

  8. mac says:

    I keep getting “out of space” when the teen plants are done growing and am not getting any outgoing products. No plants are spawning into that zone so idk how it could be out of space. what am I missing?

  9. mark says:

    Had seriously high hopes for this, but since teen plants won’t spawn due “out of space”, this is useless. Hopefully it gets fixed.

  10. Snfu says:

    Well, for out of space problem: if you change the palletspawn zone from inside the building to outside and also the increase the fill capacity, then it works.

    While there, I also fixed the fertilizer capacity of the seedling shack so you don’t have to fill it every few hours. And so that greenhouses consume more fertilizers and water – it was like few liters per month.

    Oh, and veg greenhouses production rate needed to go up by 2-4 x – it was absurd that you need two large veg greenhouses to feed one small flowering greenhouse, should be other way around.

  11. Username2 says:

    1. The greenhouses are way too slow compared to basegame greenhouses. With 3 greenhouses set to sell mode I could only get around €2000 a month. It’s a real shame because they are the most cool looking asset of this mod when the grow light is enabled.

    2. You can lose up to 25fps from just enabling the greenhouse grow light when there are plants inside. I went from 54fps to 29. Without plants there is still a 3-5fps hit. The flowering growhouse seems to work fine without a performance hit though.

    3. Buying more than 1 pack of seeds/growstuff at a time its literally more expensive than buying 1 at a time. This is because you have forgot to factor in the base cost. Just reduce the cost of buying multiple packs (2 to 8) by the base cost of the item, that will resolve the issue.

    4. Some building triggers are not where the visual trigger is. For example the greenhouse administration point is at the corner of the building, almost inside of the building, instead of closer to the door. The trailer trigger is also misaligned, not as much it seems. But it could be a little bigger imo. Would be nice to have them work the same way as base game triggers.

    5. The liquid trailer, there is literally no point having different sizes when the cost difference is basically nothing. And 250k storage is way too overkill for this small trailer.

    7. The flag pole. I would like to use this mod without other players on the server having a free cheat tool…. €10,080 a month for a €420 item is just so ridiculous. If I wanted to cheat I would just download a mod for it.

    6. Some attributes doesn’t make a lot of sense, like the weight of the tractor weight and why the greenhouse is calculated at 8x weed when all other buildings are calculated at 1x. This makes math more confusing than it needs to be, but I could be wrong.

    7. Some prices are dumb, like the €420 tractor weight. Make them realistic, close to the base game please. Should be around €5400 if we look at other weights in the game.

    8. Greenhouses doesn’t seem to be producing pallets when set to storage mode. This was tested over several months. Might be because it producse so little, so maybe the whole ting needs a rebalancing.

    9. You are completely unable to sell any honey you make. Tried with a 594L pallet of infused honey, tested all 3 selling buildings, both placing the pallet there by hand and loading it onto a pickup truck and tractor.
    It’s also producing a lot less honey than advertised (250L/hive). With 3 beehives I didnt even make enough honey to produce a single pallet when I slept for a full day. Could be a bug with sleeping as I have made completely different amounts of money all 3 days I tested.

    9. Too much cannabis branding. I would like to change to a solid color (or just remove stickers) on both the biofuel tank and liquid trailer. Currently this is not an option.

    10. What’s the point of the marking sprays other than cluttering up the buying interface? This could be a different mod, or at least a different buying category. Only works on regular trees as far as I know.

  12. Username2 says:


    1. Distribution is not working for any buildings. Doesn’t matter if your buildings is only one meter away from each other.

    2. It seems that you need insane amounts of ingredients just to get a few pallets of finished product. With as little as 1 of each building you will have to go to the store non stop unless you buy hundreds of products at the same time and fit them all on a trailer. I’d wish this wasn’t a loading/unloading simulator.

    3. Teen plants will not spawn/work from the vegetative growhouse in any mode

    4. Storage for the different “ingredients” and output items are just too low. You will have to constantly refill them throughout the day. They are also not balanced, so some items you will need to refill much more than others. I think I’d say some ingredients will need a refill 5x more than others. If the storage limit for those were higher, it could balance out

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