Console Commands V1.0

Console Commands V1.0
Download the .zip File and Open the .txt file and you will be provided with all current up to date Console Commands. Remember not all Console Commands are compliant with Multiplayer and some only work in single player!
How do I enable Console Commands?
- Navigate to the Games Directory in your Library
- Right Click the Game within your Directory and select Properties
- Navigate to the General Tab and within the Launch Options type the following -cheats
Once you have done this you will need to modify one file by doing the following:
- Open your Files > Documents > My Games > Farming Simulator 25 > game.xml and then proceed right click and open on notepad or open on notepad++ if installed. You can then scroll down to the bottom of the file and change false to true.
- Once all steps above have been completed you can launch your game and then hit the tilde ` key when ingame and the console will appear! the tilde key is located above the TAB Key.
How To Enable The Console Commands
Author: Apollo
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