Conveyor belt Lizard S-710 with loading trigger v1.0

Conveyor belt Lizard S-710 with loading trigger v1.0
This conveyor belt has been optimized for use.
A fill volume has been installed that contains a tipping trigger. This makes it possible to drive the conveyor belt using a trailer and unload it there. The integrated material buffer holds 100,000 liters. This tipping trigger can also be filled with wheel loaders, front loaders, etc.
I hope you have fun with it.
Author: Willis Werkstatt, HIP
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Si je comprends bien, ton mods sert à charger manuellement à l’aide de remorques, chargeuses et autres. Le tapis roulant, c’est bien ça ? Il n’est pas possible avec lui “d’aspirer” les cultures ou autres depuis le sol directement ?
J’aimerais charger du fumier depuis le sol, mais Giant ayant enlevé le “petit” convoyeur, il n’y a plus rien dans le jeu qui me le permet.
If I understand correctly, your mod is used to manually load using trailers, loaders, and other equipment. The conveyor belt, is that right? It’s not possible with it to “suck up” crops or other materials directly from the ground?
I would like to load manure from the ground, but since Giant removed the “small” conveyor, there’s nothing in the game that allows me to do that anymore.