Dairy Barn V1.0

Dairy Barn V1.0
Milk cow posture large
Here I offer you my big dairy cattle stable again he was adjusted and rebuilt
Cost 295,000 €
I calculated the feed capacity in such a way that 80,000 liters go in per fill type.
Capacity for water 12000 liters
Capacity straw 150,000 liters
Capacity manure 500,000 liters
Mist can be loaded separately in the corridor or with a trigger in front of the barn
Capacity for animals 1250 pieces
Capacity for milk or buffalo milk 500,000 liters
Author: AustriaModding
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you cannot feed them only one thing, hay or silage. Unrealistically small capacities to feed 1000+ cows. I don’t get it, just don’t.