Dakota 4x V3.0.0.1

Dakota 4x V3.0.0.1
updates and fixes to foliage
v3.0.0.0 (requires a new save)
Added ditches to the roads.
Removed some deco rocks that were too close to the roadways.
Removed pedestrians.
Fixed some grass issues.
Put cattails back onto the waters and shorelines.
Removed fog – the game will start with fog, but after one sleep the fog will go away
4x map. Rolling Prairies. 75 fields. Start from scratch, ONLY. There are no farms on the map, but there is a small town in the center of the map with all sellpoints. The design is for multiplayer, in a big community, hence the lack of premade farmyards and the overall small file size of the map.
Known issues: Two shop icons on map. No Cattle icon on map. Needs a pda. This is a BETA, but it seems to be in working order.
Author: Dakota Farmer
Dommage d’avoir rajouté les fossés, je dois tous les remettre à niveau car ça ne sert à rien
C’est seulement pour embêter les joueurs pas pour faire joli.
Sinon la carte est sublime bravo