Deutz-Fahr Sieries 9 – Agrar-Tec Tractor V1.0.0.1

Deutz-Fahr Sieries 9 – Agrar-Tec Tractor V1.0.0.1
A magnificent Deutz-Fahr Seires 9 – Agrar-Tec, surely one of the most beautiful tractors today
- The Deutz has different colors to adjust to the body, design and rims as well as various wheels.
- Several models such as the 9290 TTV, 9310 TTV, 9340 TTV, 9340 TTV Warrior, 9340 TTV Warrior+ are configurable.
- The tractor therefore costs between €246,000. and €296,500 without additional adjustments.
- Therefore, performance also varies depending. Model up to 396 HP.
Trailer corrected
Colors adjusted
Helper fixed
Author: [ATM] Toryen
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
schöner Mod, doch auch nach der Aktualisierung kann er keine Grubber ankuppeln, schade
AI Helper doesn’t work! Checked key bindings and they’re set… Tried to use AI help and AI Steering Assist and neither work. Please fix as this would be a great mod.
yeah , i noticed…needs to be fixed 😉
Nice tractor and all , but some of the equipment i attach , is not going so good , it kinda attaches it lower than what it should …with other words ,
the attacher for different tool/ eqipments needs to be fixed ,adjusted so the tractor can handle all kinds of tools / equipments used daily…
Keep up the nice work.
very nice mod but the AI doesn’t work and it doesn’t properly attach to what it pulls
thank you veeery much for understanding my point mr Toryen