Empty 16x map v1.0.1

Empty 16x map v1.0.1
An empty 16x map for the FS25.
– Error message when placing buildings fixed
– LUA error when mulching farmlands fixed
I have a correctly scaled 16x map for the FS25 for you here.
The map is error-free (apart from the warning that is found in the game as standard)
If you find any errors or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me privately.
PS: Since there is no reference yet, we don’t know how the performance behaves on the 16x.
Author: GVL
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
This is the best map from FS22 for me: The Elmcreek Extension v1.6 FS22. I just don’t remember if it was x4 or x8. I dream of this map being x16. Maybe someone will make it?
Farmer NPCs are still floating in the sky……
Könntet ihr ne multiangle version mit angepasster Sichtweite erstellen.
Im Editor wird ab ner gewissen Entfernung das Bild schwarz im GE