FS25 AutoDrive mod

FS25 AutoDrive mod
This mod allows you to create a network of routes for vehicles to drive autonomously. Install this mod to give directions to a tractor and drive to any point you want. The tractor will drive to any point you have selected, such as a shop, sell point, or field.
You can also activate any job, such as filling routine, unloading, and dynamically adjusting the front left and right sensors to attach the implement size in the front.
What can do Chopper with mod:
- Chopper and Harvester unloader routine complete rework.
- If the trailer reaches the unload fill level, it will drive reverse and then unload, as some trailers might not be filled in these situations.
- Unloader behind chopper or chopper turn.
How to use Harvester with Autodrive:
- The unloader is automatically called when the harvester is stopped, and the pipe is extended.
Whether the pipe is out of the field or in the crop, the unloader follows the harvester:
- It is called when the early call level is reached (if set to 0%).
- Is unloaded if the pipe is outside the field and not in the fruit
- Is unloaded when the early call level is reached until the unloader is full
- The unloader follows the pipe position even if a user is driving the harvester
Author: AutoDrive Team
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
when this mod?
Hopefully soon… its just been released as of this post 11/12…
Hello, I don’t see the tab to download it, is this normal?
Thanks in advance
yo tampoco encuentra donde poder descargarlo , el juego de farming sin autodrive y courseplay es un aburrimiento, lo que me parece increible es que los desarrolladores de farming 25 no hayan echo nada por mejorarlo, practicamente es igual al farming 22 , no me esta gustando pero nada de nada
Ciekawe czy zmieniał tworzenie tras na automatyczne wtedy ten mod ma sens
For me is Autodrive a ‘must have’. The new helper definitely doesn’t come close to Autodrive
agree with you , without Curseplay and autodrive FS25 is not playeble for solo player. For me FS22 is more enjoible right now becauase of Autodrive and Curseplay
Yes, it is useful but the game is far from unplayable.
Courseplay seems to be inbedded within the game. Auto drive would probably be better as I tried the auto locate tool and the driver just ran into the first thing they could find. Please give us Auto-Drive!
it is not inbedded ,,, oonly the helper is a bit better than in 22
both teams are working on the mods, there is already a beta of courseplay available
а где мод,как скачать.
zdravím , kdy bude možno mod autodrive stáhnout a kde ,velice ho při hře fs25 postrádám , mod courseplay už stáhnout jde ale po instalaci do hry se vůbed nezobrazí ,prostě nefunguje
Wann kommt autodrive
Ich möchte mir das Landwirtschaft simulator 25 auch kaufen ich habe die ps4 konnsole aber ich kaufe mir die ps5 auch noch
Forza ragazzi… vogliamo AUTODRIVEEEEEEEEEE!!! 😉
so far the mod seems to be working pretty good however i had courseplay working before installing autodrive but it stopped working after installing, at least the key binds that open the courseplay window stopped working.
disregard this courseplay putout an update and and both working together now
I can’t even get auto drive to load just like I couldn’t get it to load in fs 22
I can’t even get it to load had the same problem in Fs 22
Hey, any chance that you can make so that we can controle the unloade speed on the worker when they are inside the bunkersilo? – I have tryed if i cut controle i true CP but its autodrive that controle the unloade action.