Courseplay v8.0.1.1

Courseplay v8.0.1.1

We are working on migrating Courseplay to Farming Simulator 2025. We don’t yet know how long it’ll take, it depends on how much the Giants API changed, when they make documentation and tools available, and of course, how much time we can spend on it.

We’ll keep you updated on our progress here, please be patient.

Courseplay allows you to generate field courses with additional features, for example: headlands. It also enables the usage of balers and forage wagons, that can be send on the same course, as a mower or harvester from before. Another big feature is the collecting or wrapping of bales on the field. New with this iteration of CP is the vine fieldwork. Fieldwork courses can be setup in multitool mode, which allows the use of up to 5 driver working in a convoy on the same field. It’s also possible to have the combine unload in a trailer on/near the field automatically. Custom field borders can be assigned for courseplay to use, for example: in case of a meadow, which isn’t recognised as a normal field. Lastly cp has a interface for AutoDrive, which allows for refilling of a seeder at a nearby silo or unloading a forage wagon and so on. With Version or higher it is also possible to use the combine unloader to create a heap near the field. What is the expert Mode: When the expert Mode is deactivated, you have only access to some settings. The other settings are hidden and set to default values, which works in most situations. That way, we try to help Users to get easier into Courseplay without being overwhelmed from all the settings.


  • Added course display for mini map.


  • New construction frame for editing course and custom fields added.
  • Fix for #583
  • Raise and lower tools independently #39
  • Fix for #586 #62 #596 #578
  • Try to fix multiplayer custom field detection Issues #534
  • New load and unload icons for shovel mode.
  • Move field margin to basic settings in the generator by @Xt-8

Push Hotfix

  • Fix for #572
  • Fix for #395


  • Fixes #557 and #568


  • Internal pathfinder improvements and better smoothing.
  • Added support for Universal Autoload from @loki79uk


  • Another fix for #456 and #475 to hopefully not have another surprise.
  • Fix for #458
  • Fix for #392
  • Added new languages


  • Fix for selfUnload #456
  • Workarround for #448
  • Fix for #461 and #478
  • Fix for #469 and #475


  • Use the Giants working width first.
  • Fix for #433 (Patch 1.5 Error)


  • Disable narrow field for Multitool
  • Fix custom fields
  • Should finaly fix Oxbo Harvester (and others) that needs to stop to unload
  • Some more MP fixes.


  • Fix helper limit (is now endless again?)
  • Use Giants field scanner now


  • Should fix #174 (but the Mod got a trailer spec which is wrong so this is rather a Mod Issue…)
  • Added keybinds for direct start at first/last/nearest waypoint #147
  • Some GUI adjustments


  • Fixes McDon and PickUps for Harvester #60
  • Fixes bale wrappers (also for missions) #71 #171
  • Should fix #79 #151 #170(it not always happens so it is hard to find out)
  • Baler and bale wrapper now stop when empty
  • Helps with #138


  • Rename and delete custom fields added back in.
  • Keybind to open the HUD also close the HUD #75
  • Fix return to start #93
  • Fix can’t drive to combine. #80
  • Fix for F1 keybind menu. #91
  • Some collision fixes
  • Another nil check error fixed


  • While AD Hud is active, closing of the cp hud is only possible with the mouse, if the mouse is hovering over the CP Hud.
  • CP is no longer blocking the AD right mouse button event.
  • AutoDrive now only tells us to open the pipe when it has already designated our harvester as the target so hopefully no more unnecessary pipe opening anymore.
  • Fix ESC not working in course manager.
  • Small UI fixes.
  • Added button for creating folder with a saved course. #66
  • Fix for #55 , #56 , #71 , #69 , #65 , #62
  • Added a keybind to open the CP Menu without using the HUD (default: left alt + g)
  • Fixed zoom in HUD when changing value with scroll wheel.

 Release 8.0

  • Initial FS25 migration
  • While almost all functions from FS22 are implemented back in (except draw field on the map), they can still have errors and not function correctly in some situations.
  • Added a keybind to generate a course when standing with the vehicle on the field (default ctrl+g), the settings are used from the generator menu.
  • The help menu is mostly up to date, but some details might not be correct (e.g. custom field, due to missing feature).
  • Course editor is disabled and will be readded later.
  • Better controller support will come with later versions.

Author: Courseplay Team

Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.

Helpful Information: How to install FS25 mods | FS25 System Requiremnts | FS25 Modding Tutorial | Giants Editor for FS25 | How to Convert mods | FS25 Cheats

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About Farming Simulator 25 mods
Farming Simulator 25 supports game modding for PC, Xbox, or PS5. FS25 Mod may change your game from small to complete changes. You can create a Farming Simulator 25 mod file and share it with our community. When is a good time to try Farming Simulator 25 mods? We recommend playing a game with these FS25 mods after you finish the Farming Simulator 25 starting pack and are bored with the game basics. So it's time to try new machines, such as harvesters or tractors, which are not included in the basic game version.
As you already know, Farming Simulator 25 developers support mods installation, which will add more vehicles or lands to your game. Check our Best FS25 mods lists for PC, Mac, PS5 or Xbox Series. Just follow these simple steps: choose the LS25 mods category, download the mod for the Farming Simulator 2025 version, and install it into the mod folder. Remember, all Farming Simulator 25 Mods are free, and download as many as you want with no limits. We want to create one of the biggest Farming Simulator 25 Community and invite you to share FS25 mods with everyone.

59 Responses

  1. Nick says:

    and it doesn’t even show on mod list for some reason

  2. Adam says:

    Can’t wait to use CP..

  3. Andrew says:

    Cannot add mod to dedicated server

  4. Bas Maas says:

    Looking forward to this. I think this release doesn’t have to correct modDesc.xml format and thus can not be uploaded to a dedicated server.

  5. Allcoast says:


  6. Tetkos says:

    The mod really great. For me doesn’t show on mod list. Somebody know why?

  7. _sturmlocke_ says:

    Sounds very interesting. I´m looking forward for this ^^

  8. AleBorghe says:

    It’s not even visible in the mod list!

  9. anton kapralov says:

    this is and not beta at all. if you wont to make it visible in FS25 edit file modDesc in zip file, and change to modDesc descVersion=”92″, and you will see this addon in the FS25 game, but i repeat it is FS22 version and WONT work at all, you game wil stuck at 60% loading.

  10. Aaron Thom says:

    not a 25 version last FS22 release check modDesc number and version

  11. Giantdüşmanı says:

    Her sene aynı modları yapmaktan sıkılmadınız mı 😀 ama giant da sıkılmamış olacak ki hala aynı oyunu 3 yılda bir cilalayıp çıkarıyor 😀 ve tonlarca dolar para kazanıyor

  12. fezimhs says:

    any estimated date for the release of CP

  13. EoB says:

    does the BETA work?

  14. Farmer Jon says:

    I need this badly…please hurry!!!

  15. Qantas says:

    There is an error when loading the map Table: 0x000001e6120f7848

  16. driverx says:

    Deze courseplay werkt wel, verander in de moddesc 94 naar 92 en verander de naam in

  17. GoofyCats says:


    How to save a course?

  18. driverx says:

    Hoi boeren gabbers, LET wel effe op de datums van commetaar van andere. velen hebben het over een oudere versie. we hebben nu versie 8.0.
    er zitten nog wel wat problemen in deze versie maar ik ben al blij dat ik hooi en stroo nu met courseplay van het veld kan ophalen.

  19. drivverx says:

    GoofyCats stap in een voertuig zonder course want je moet eerst mappen aan maken in het courseplay menu. als je het courseplaymenu op je scherm hebt staan klik je op het boekje naast de X

  20. red says:

    works great…… is there a tab to activate to have the combine auger come out when its time to unload? as in if the tractor doesnt get there in time, the auger comes out so we now where to drive under. hopefully this makes sense.

  21. Krile says:

    How do i active it? I have in my mod folder and ingame in the upper right corner it says courseplay.
    But how do i get menu up and all the stuff?

  22. Luca says:

    Working great!!

  23. Holger says:

    schreibt immer noch LUA und meine Mahware blockt es und bekomme meldung das es sich um Schadsoftware handelt.

  24. Maico Diaz says:

    funciona!! pero no entiendo por que esta en ingles y no español

  25. Coastal says:

    Had to stop using it. AI is not honoring the “Turn only in fields” and my equipment goes into the water in riverbend map, and down the sides of hills on maps that have hils nearby. Default AI is way more effective. If i want hands off usage, CP is not there yet.

  26. DieselCowboy says:

    Don’t see the option to draw your own.

  27. CDNnate says:

    The Case cotton bailer will skip the rest of the row after it dumps a bail

  28. Lars Esbensen says:

    Great mod thx a lot 🙂
    But, when i try to save a course on a field, it asks 4 a Password i can¨t save the course.
    Plz Help

  29. Holger says:

    mit diesen mod komme ich nicht im spiel rein bleibt bei 98% ständig stehen

  30. Daan_db says:

    every time turn the mod on, the game wont start up and sayin: table:0x000000007ba1b508. when i turn off the mod the game will start. can anyone say whats wrong?

  31. Gabesz says:

    Please do something with it because nothing works, it just keeps coming out sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s not!

  32. fezimhs says:

    It doesn’t appear in the list of mods, do you have any tutorials on how to install it? my version is 1.3

  33. red says:

    works great so far. i enjoy running multiple combines in the field. is there a way to stagger “stopping” points so that combine heads dont run into each other and the end of the job?

  34. Scurvypants says:

    Works good so far.
    I have two issues though:
    1. When changing from headlands to rows, the helper skips the first row and vice versa. A little anoying.
    2. sometimes the helper ignores the field borders while turning around to the next row and gets stuck in trees or something

  35. Stephan V says:

    I get the error table: 0x00000115069a3528 when i am starting. I got it with the version and also now with the Have to disable it to get the map started

  36. grant vogt says:

    having problems with ai not wanting to start back up or sync with the feild

  37. GOBLYN says:

    Just do something with the lock of the automatic worker in the various static objects that appeared in its path.

  38. Possum says:

    Using Tried 3 plows, left 1 and center worked fine but right 1 goes on the center path and then went on the Right 1 path backwards.

  39. Corné says:

    arther the patch v 1.5 cant make any course. everyhing is not arivable to click on anymore.

  40. Siamajor says:

    Am I the only one with glitches in Courseplay?
    If something somewhere is already working under it, then an attempt to turn it on even on a completely different field causes an error (it is impossible to calculate the route). And the already working one loses the route and stops.

  41. terryaar says:

    Make sure you save your games often., when it bugs, it crashes your game and you lose progress

  42. Siamajor says:

    Now I can’t create a new folder and save the course 🙁

  43. Jeremy Dennis says:

    Is there any way to keep tractors with auger wagons driving through water to get to combines? It’s a timely reset back to shop every time.

  44. Oto says:

    Vypisuje chybu table:0x000001f4fc70d968 a nespustí hru pri verzii
    Aký je problém?

  45. JT says:

    Still gives an error when playing on server. Gives a bug message and could not generate course when you try to.

  46. Jyters says:

    Hi the new version still give bug reports

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