Garage 66×120 v1.0

Garage 66×120 v1.0
A large shed/garage of 66×120 with cold room.
Mod Features:
- Cost: $40,000
- Dimensions 66 L x 120 L
- 2 front sliding doors 1 upper rear 2 passenger doors
Required mods:
Placeable Design Kit
Author: AG Farms, Spesard Farms, TPF, WIM, smeby
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
There are issues regarding the side or rear door. Collision issues. No harvesters are fitting in. They stuck at the entrance as if there is an invisible wall though there is much space left to fit. Very very annoying. Should be fixed soon or stop releasing mods that doesn’t work properly. Sick and tired of ruining my farmland by mods who doesn’t seem to be tested at all. 🙁