IT Runner Pack V1.0

IT Runner Pack V1.0
ITR 26.33 HD:
Price: 55.000€
HT 50 container:
Price: 28.000€
Capacity: 48 000l
Grain container:
Price: 10.000€
Capacity: 45 000l
Skip container:
Price: 8.500€
Capacity: 3 000l
Fortis 2000:
Price: 38.000€
Capacity: 32 000l
Working width: 15m
Slurry container:
Price: 34.000€
Capacity: 15 000l
Working width: 12m
Bale container:
Price: 7.000€
Wood container:
Price: 7.500€
Author: EpicPryda
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