John Deere 7030 Premium V1.0

John Deere 7030 Premium V1.0
- Basic price: 88500 €
- Max Speed: 53 km/h
- Power: 190HP – 205HP
- Strobes light
- New beacon lights
- Added rug
- Added Air trumpets
- Added JD statue on bonne
Author: Misu22
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
Is the mod faulty or is there something wrong with me?
no textures
I just downloaded it, seems like you forgot to add some colors to it, also the wheels are missing when you change the tire brand. This mod needs a little fixing i think xD but still thank you for adding this legend to the game.
bonjour vous avez oubliez la peinture de ce tracteur merci a vous
Shame that this potentially great mod is lacking some stuff. Like other said, no textures and can’t change tire brand or they’ll disappear.
Mod bozuk
fix mod please
Please fix, looks great in the image, would love to use it.