John Deere 8020 FS25 v1.0

John Deere 8020 FS25 v1.0
FS25 8020 JD with row crop spacings. let me know if you have any problems with it, also open to sugestions
Wheel Configs credits to Wyatts Mods and Fieldwise Modding
Credits for Original Mod go to SteenKamp Modding, I believe
Author: Cottonmouth Farms
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
on traverse le tracteur serait t il possible de pouvoir enlever les espacer pour avoir la largeur plus standare
helo méirt csak a müvelö kerék van rá ? meg a hangja sem olyan mint az fs22-ben volt ezzel tudnál kezdeni valamit még ?