John Deere 8R Series (2014-2019) v1.0

John Deere 8R Series (2014-2019) v1.0
290 to 450 engine hp. The 8R Series Tractors are world-class machines designed to provide the hydraulic capacity and horsepower to handle large planters and implements. Powered by the PowerTech™ PSS 9.0L engine, the 8R is a champion in the field, delivering uncompromised performance while meeting Tier 4 emission requirements.
Experience the John Deere 8R Series tractors from 2014 to 2019 with extensive customization options:
Engine Configurations: 8245R, 8270R, 8295R, 8320R, 8345R, 8370R, 8400R with AutoPower, PowerShift 16/5, E23, and E23 Right Hand Reverser transmission options. Fully animated transmissions included.
Wheel Brands: Trelleborg, Mitas, Michelin, Continental, BKT, Vredestein.
Wheel Configurations: Standard, wide, twin wheels, wheel weights, and more.
Front Attacher Options: None, bracket, 300kg to 1000kg weights, or front hydraulic.
Light Configurations: Standard, LED, and additional light combinations.
Monitor Options: Gen4 4100, 4200, 4600.
Exhaust and Cab Buttons: Multiple configurations for exhaust and cabin control styles.
AdBlue System: Configurable with or without AdBlue.
Mirror Options: Standard, electric, ultimate.
GPS Options: SF 3000, SF 6000, and monitor combinations.
Beacons: Left, right, both, or none.
Fender Options: Various front and back fender configurations.
Design Features: Steering knob, side wiper, warning signs, and more.
Additional Features: True working ILS system, rotatable seat with right mouse button control.
Author: ZDR Gaming
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