Juotca Flat Map 16X V1.3

Juotca Flat Map 16X V1.3

Changelog for V1.3
The long-awaited update for my 16X map is finally here! If you’ve played my 4X or 2X maps, you’ll find this version familiar yet packed with exciting new features.
What’s New in Version 1.3?
– New Factories – Brewery, winery, juice factory, slaughterhouse, and animal breeding.
– Improved Layout – Reduced field sizes to enhance AI performance on large fields.
– New Crops – Hemp, alfalfa, rye, hops, millet, mustard, and linseed.
– New Pallets – Oil, beer, wine, juice, meat, and more.
– New Windrows – Hemp and flax windrows.
– Traffic System – Now implemented but incomplete at X-junctions.
– Massive Forest – Perfect for logging and forestry activities.
– Multiple Gas Stations – Convenient refueling points across the map.
-Optimized Map Size – Reduced from 2.4GB to 1.5GB, making it more server-friendly.
– Wider Roads – Increased width by 1.5x to accommodate large machinery and improve AI traffic flow.
-Wetness decals on the road when it rains.
– Renewable Energy – Windmill, solar plant, and biogas plant for power generation and factory distribution.
– Farm Supply System – Facilitates factory maintenance and worker distribution.

Important Note:
Some players experienced loading issues with previous versions of the 16X map. I have worked hard to optimize this update, making it lighter and more accessible on a wider range of computers.

How to Install:
Download the map, unpack it into your mod folder, and give it a try!
I’d love to hear your feedback—drop a comment and let me know your thoughts!
For more updates, follow me on YouTube (@juotcaModding6207) and subscribe if you enjoy my work.
Happy Farming in the Juotca Flat Map Series!

Author: Juotca Placeables: FED mod, sablerRock, lackDragon23 Jinkou89, TheSnake, ChrisS and RileyS, kobalt, Jinkou89, Maro, ZoddelZockt, Nuggzy, DraxMods, OmaTana,IKAS FanModding, crookedcreekmodding, asylummodding, SBModding, Stevie,Snakebizzle, Gusta, Barbicha, Studio Ascolese Game, OmaTana,LJR Modding, PBSMods, BulletBill, Zoli708,. Maxxer1050 Fillplanes (Linseed): sablerRock

Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.

Helpful Information: How to install FS25 mods | FS25 System Requiremnts | FS25 Modding Tutorial | Giants Editor for FS25 | How to Convert mods | FS25 Cheats

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About Farming Simulator 25 mods
Farming Simulator 25 supports game modding for PC, Xbox, or PS5. FS25 Mod may change your game from small to complete changes. You can create a Farming Simulator 25 mod file and share it with our community. When is a good time to try Farming Simulator 25 mods? We recommend playing a game with these FS25 mods after you finish the Farming Simulator 25 starting pack and are bored with the game basics. So it's time to try new machines, such as harvesters or tractors, which are not included in the basic game version.
As you already know, Farming Simulator 25 developers support mods installation, which will add more vehicles or lands to your game. Check our Best FS25 mods lists for PC, Mac, PS5 or Xbox Series. Just follow these simple steps: choose the LS25 mods category, download the mod for the Farming Simulator 2025 version, and install it into the mod folder. Remember, all Farming Simulator 25 Mods are free, and download as many as you want with no limits. We want to create one of the biggest Farming Simulator 25 Community and invite you to share FS25 mods with everyone.

15 Responses

  1. Daniel says:

    This mod isn’t work properly. Is loading to 100 percent,after is close

  2. alain0306 says:

    Merci. Chez-moi, ça bloque à la compilation des shaders.
    Thanks for your time. In my case, it’s blocked when I compile the shaders.

  3. dani says:

    mapa podczas wgrywania na 100 procent wylacza gre

  4. Horváth Antal says:

    a térkép nem müködik 100% nál meg akad és nem megy tovább a shaderekkel van valami gond

  5. Semmira says:

    I don’t understand why the map isn’t displayed in the game.

  6. wes says:

    Still not working crashes game at 100%

  7. Joop wassenaar says:

    haal de 100% maar blijft staan shader compileren

    2x en 4x doen het gelijk want ik wil de 16x

  8. adamek661 says:

    błąd jest w dacie dem 8x zmien na 4x i sie otworzy ale nie pograsz bo wszystko bedzi durze a mapa mala

  9. ezill says:

    u mnie nadal 99% nic się nie zmieniło

  10. Phil says:

    So far so good. Been playing it for a while now. X16 maps seem to want 32GB of RAM. Not all of them, but some, like this one. If you have 16GB of RAM, it’s probably not going to load.

  11. Maaslander says:

    2025-02-24 03:01 Error: failed to create placed resource (ImageAllocation) last line in my log for the map crashes. please fix it i would love to play this map so ocd satisfying

  12. Phil says:

    Why no field stones? No field stones at all? We need those to make lime.

  13. craig says:

    only problem i c is i caint purches any trailers in the map makes it hard to move materail

  14. craig says:

    acctually caint puchesh any thing now

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