Kaprun v2.1.2

Kaprun v2.1.2
Here again an attempt to create a map to my taste with many mountains and steep meadows. This is an original elevation model from Kaprun in Salzburg (AT)
Version 2.1.2
– Placeables adjusted
– Road network expanded
– Fields added
– Road adjustment
– Various minor changes
Please leave comments on what I can still improve and where there may still be mistakes.
Author: Model: AE Texture: AE Idea / Concept: selfmade Testing: memyselfandi
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
tres belle carte quelque détail a modifier si possible entrée magasin trop petite et enlever éclairage gênant encore bravo
Post a layout of the map please.