Liquid filling stations v1.0

Liquid filling stations v1.0
Is the price of diesel a thorn in your side? Or would you like to get liquid fertilizer, herbicide, manure or silage products quickly and cheaply? Here you have the corresponding petrol pumps for the five liquids mentioned with a lower purchase price, but the construction costs for the petrol pumps are quite high (€50,000) and the daily maintenance costs are €100.
Maintenance: €100/day
The mod is error-free and also passed the Giants test runner.
Author: PBSMods
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finally one buyable manure need slurry or digestate also can you fix this? for some reason no one has made a buy point yet for slurry etc
we had a nice one from fs19 fs22 dont know if you can covert that one ?
Thanks !!! these things help out a lot !!!