LIZARD Subsoiler MT v1.0

LIZARD Subsoiler MT v1.0
Subsoiler with plough function, ideal for creating fields quickly.
– Category: Plows
– Price: $17,000
– Working width: 6.0m, 9.0m, 12.0m
– Required power: 260 hp
– Working speed: 19 kph
– Configuration: 6m, 9m, 12m
Author: Blacksheep Modding
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
Love these subsoilers for creating fields. Note: When disconnecting from the tractor the plow blades go into the ground and do not sit on the ground as before.
It finally arrived! Thanks! What took you so long? 🙂
I hired an employee, my game crashed
Doesnt plow straight in even straight line, more like wave lines from right to left, which makes it hard to create even/straight fields.
Also, it leaves the tire tracks on the field after the plow.