LoneHills Map v1.0.12

LoneHills Map v1.0.12

Welcome to Lone Hills! This map, inspired by No Man’s Land.

Fixed the Snowmap (Snow won’t accumulate inside of buildings like the gas station anymore).
Fixed the collision issue on the main farm.

What Lone Hills has to offer:
A stunning landscape with a lake and a small swamp area with shallow water, which, while not causing any sinking disasters, perfectly adds to the atmosphere.
Vast fields for cultivation, and a sawmill to help you process wood.
A quarry where you can break rocks and harvest valuable resources.
A farmer’s market that buys fresh produce from you and provides everything you need for your operations.
A small restaurant that also buys goods from you, offering extra income.
A Trader where you can purchase machines and equipment for your farm – exactly what you need to get started!

The backstory of the map:
You start in a remote area, where an oil company initially wanted to invest. Unfortunately, the oil boom never happened, and instead, the farmer sold the land for a great price, leaving everything behind, including his machinery. And where is the farmer now? Probably on a yacht somewhere in the ocean, while you guys are here managing everything!
The original plan was to create a small settlement for workers, with a gas station, shop, and cement factory as the infrastructure. But, as it often goes, the oil company made a mistake, and the whole settlement idea was abandoned. Now it’s up to you to bring this place back to life and expand both the agricultural side and the infrastructure!
The map gives you a lot of freedom to create your own production lines, but it also presents some challenges. The few processing facilities and basic infrastructure leave plenty of room for you to get creative and build the land your way.

Author: Likita666

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About Farming Simulator 25 mods
Farming Simulator 25 supports game modding for PC, Xbox, or PS5. FS25 Mod may change your game from small to complete changes. You can create a Farming Simulator 25 mod file and share it with our community. When is a good time to try Farming Simulator 25 mods? We recommend playing a game with these FS25 mods after you finish the Farming Simulator 25 starting pack and are bored with the game basics. So it's time to try new machines, such as harvesters or tractors, which are not included in the basic game version.
As you already know, Farming Simulator 25 developers support mods installation, which will add more vehicles or lands to your game. Check our Best FS25 mods lists for PC, Mac, PS5 or Xbox Series. Just follow these simple steps: choose the LS25 mods category, download the mod for the Farming Simulator 2025 version, and install it into the mod folder. Remember, all Farming Simulator 25 Mods are free, and download as many as you want with no limits. We want to create one of the biggest Farming Simulator 25 Community and invite you to share FS25 mods with everyone.

4 Responses

  1. joe says:

    can’t get this to load .9 version works fine for me

  2. Adam says:


  3. Conradine83 says:

    Map works just fine, just zip wrong. Unzip the folder, then go into the folder, highlight all the files, create new zip, name is FS25_LoneHills. Put new zip in mods, all done !

  4. Sal says:

    Looks great however there is an abandoned sheep and chicken just standing and cannot be removed. If you leave the farm in direction of the field, stay in that direction for about 1/4 km and on the right you will see them. The chicken is nestled under the sheep. Note there are no buildings, just there 2 animals standing in a location which would make a good field. Thank you for all your efforts.

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