Map Objects Hider V1.0

Map Objects Hider V1.0
If the mapper had different plans than you, stop making adjustments directly in the map and hide what bothers you in the game.
This mod is based on the FS22 mod and has been partially rebuilt for the FS25.
Map objects such as buildings, crash barriers, fences and much more can be hidden.
Only hidden objects can be retrieved afterwards via the dialogue.
This is saved in the savegame so that it remains permanently hidden as long as the map does not change.
Placeable buildings are sold or deleted and not hidden. You must have the authorisation to sell or delete them.
Trees are generally deleted and not hidden.
Sold or deleted objects cannot be reset.
But be careful!
– Not all object types and not all objects can be removed. (e.g. parked cars cannot be removed as they cannot be recognised).
– If the hierarchy of objects on the map changes (e.g. due to changes in the GIANTS Editor), some objects may reappear and have to be removed again.
– If a mod map is not set up correctly, removing some trees can cause the above problem.
– If buildings are not defined correctly in the map, this can lead to funny effects.
– It is possible to hide map edges. This can cause you to fall into a bottomless pit. You should not do this.
Author: Achimobil
After trying this mod on (hotfix version) I have found some bugs. I have only tested in multiplayer.
So if you hide 2 or more objects and press Shift+H, select one hidden object, press esc to exit the interface – the opposite object of your selection will become visible in the world but have no collision. If you then go back to the hidden objects list and select the other object instead, now that one is the one showing itself in the world. You will need to restore the object to be able to hide it again.
The other bug is that when you have hidden an object (I had hidden 2 objects, the house and a power pole on property 25) and disable the mod, the next time you try to start up the server it will fail because server files have been corrupted. Fortunately a reinstall of the server worked, without having to start a new save. But this one is scary.
Also, you might want to document everywhere that “H” is the key you need to press to hide/delete objects. I checked on, the official modhub, github and your youtube guides but nowhere does it say that you need to press “H”. Not even ingame. I just happened to figure it out because of the “Shift+H” tooltip in the upper left hand corner.
I hope you find this useful.
Hi again,
I guess that the H tooltip in the upper left hand corner is resolved now. It just took a reinstall of the server for it to appear. But still, it would have been nice to have it documented as with many mods those menus can become cluttered