Multi Selling Station V1.0.0.1

Multi Selling Station V1.0.0.1
Almost all types of fruit can be sold here, such as bales, pallets and also loose, bulk goods and you get paid 6% more.
Purchase price: €64,000
- ModDesk version has been adjusted
- Goat milk / GOATMILK has been added
- A double test entry has been removed in fillTypes
- And for Goat milk / GOATMILK the selling price has also been added
Log error-free
Author: GamingMix
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hi there , is there any site or info about what cant be sold on this ?
BEWARE: Spinach apperantly can’t be sold using this mod
To correct myself, this only occurs with crops harvested during contract.
Crops from contract delivered to this sellingstation will not count towards the contract progress. This will force you to abandon the contract and lose alot of money.