Multifruit ROPA v1.0

Multifruit ROPA v1.0
Harvester for potatoes, sugar cane, sugar beet, carrots, parsnips and beetroot.
The ROPA Tiger 6S has been converted so that it can harvest sugar cane, potatoes, carrots, parsnips and beetroot in addition to sugar beet.
A second, more powerful engine variant and a variable bunker volume (43, 100, 1000 cubic meters) are also installed.
When the bunker is 95% full, a warning signal sounds so that you don’t accidentally drive into the fruit when the bunker is full.
The angle of the unloading conveyor belt is adjusted so that it unloads higher and you can also use higher trailers.
The unloading speed depends on the bunker volume, so that neither the small bunker volume empties too quickly nor the large bunker volume takes too long.
There are a total of 4 cutting units, one each for potatoes, sugar cane and sugar beet, as well as a combined one for carrots, parsnips and beetroot.
Author: RolfB69
this mods wont let you hire a helper
impossible de mettre un ouvrier dessus. serait il possible de changer ca. merci
Serait il possible de différencier les tète de coupe ( changer la couleur ou une icone sur la tête) merci d’avance
I confirm this doesn’t let you hire a helper. This mod, does ( It seems to be something with the header. Maybe you can fix it.
Where can I find the line of code responsible for the working width of the attachment? 4m is definitely not enough
If you want to be able to hire worker;
In rrXL9{fruit}.xml file find and add following there
And also add following under
Don’t forget to change ‘carrot’ for the related file