Oak Bridge Farm V1.1

Oak Bridge Farm V1.1
Welcome to Oak Bridge Farm.
– Customisable map
– Remove farm buildings and place them again
– Removeable hedges, gates, fences etc.
– Custom lighting.
– Animations – birds flying across the map pedestrians etc.
– Custom textures with Parralax mapping
– Over 50 Hd new models made by myself.
– 36 fields with missions – small/medium/huge.Transport missions,deadwood,log carting.
– 5 sell points and BGA sawmill etc.
– Seasons visuals- Summer bbqs,mowers,washing lines,leaves on roads,snowmen,puddles etc.
– Collectables
– Uk license plates.
– Custom grass textures and Uk foliage.
– Loads of Custom sounds.
– Custom wind effects.
NO new save is required but is recommended to see all issues above fixed.
I Hope you all like this map.
– Fixed vehicles still appearing in start from scratch.
– Fixed issue with the traffic not using UK number plates.
– Fixed NPC david spawning player in building.
– Fixed pallets floating in air around BGA area.
– Fixed some trees floating near arable farm.
– Removed decals still appearing after removing cow shed.
– Fixed function naming on liquid fert silos.
– Fixed collision on corner near arable farm.
– Removed invisible collisions near farms.
– Fixed gate opening into building in village area.
– Fixed floating props next to some sell point areas.
– Fixed door that opens into the sky at chemical store.
– Lots of collisions fixed around village.
– Removed flood because it causes splash issues even when it’s gone.
– Fixed liquid fertilizer tank not working.
– Fixed general stores sell point not working.
– Fixed floating tyre in cow shed.
– Fixed and replaced debriscrusher with a better one.
– Improved sell points in multiplayer so everyone can use them not just one farm Id.
– Added hotspot node for vehicle dealer along with teleport option.
– Lowed volume of birds around forest areas.
– Removed sound at the cow barn.
– Added dairy sell point so you can sell all milks now.
– Fixed linseed not showing on PDA map.
– Field grass is now using the maps nicer default grass textures.
Author: Oxygendavid
Great map! As long as the coordinate points are set on the white roads, autonomous driving won’t face any unreachable issues. The quality rivals official maps—highly recommended to everyone!
However, if you’re hiring workers to complete tasks, here are a few things to note:
Smaller roads and corners are less friendly to large machinery.
Occasionally, low fences might get in the way and block the equipment.
Additionally, I suggest removing or repositioning the tree directly behind the gate between fields 42 and 43. When I was driving the tractor with a large mower attached, it got slightly stuck. If it were a larger machine or one towing a longer trailer, passing through would likely be very difficult. Thank you!
cant place buildings or landscape the fields