Open Air Garden V1.0

Open Air Garden V1.0

These are 5 garden for growing vegetables and fruit outdoors.
There is a small, a medium sized and a large garden.
There are also two allotment gardens with a hut, tree, seating area and lots of decorations.
One of them is kept more minimalist, with less decorations, to save slots.

All gardens come in four variants, each with and without a fence and with and without wooden garden beds.
You can use a switch to raise a tarp greenhouse from the ground and then lower it again.
You can also lower and raise the collisions for the fence using a switch.

In addition to the greenhouse plants from the base game, you can grow lots of other vegetables in these gardens.
In addition to the standard recipes that only require water as an ingredient, there are also recipes with seeds and fertilizer.
If you dump manure, it is automatically converted into fertilizer, so you can also fertilize the gardens with manure.
These additional recipes result in more and faster plant growth. This means you get more profit than with the pure water recipes.

To water several gardens at once, there is a distributor that distributes the necessary ingredients to the gardens.
There is also a small garden pump that provides free water.

Open Air Garden
Category: Greenhouses
Price: $8,000
Daily upkeep: $10

Open Air Garden Medium
Category: Greenhouses
Price: $20,000
Daily upkeep: $10

Open Air Garden Large
Category: Greenhouses
Price: $50,000
Daily upkeep: $10

Allotment Garden
Category: Greenhouses
Price: $9,000
Daily upkeep: $10

Allotment Garden, minimalistic
Category: Greenhouses
Price: $8,000
Daily upkeep: $10

Production Recipes:
Input: water, seeds, fertilizer, manure (automatic transformation to fertilizer)
Output: lettuce, tomato, strawberry, spring onion, napacabbage, chilli, garlic, potato, sunflower, carrot, parsnip, beetroot, peas, greenbean, spinach, grape, olive

Category: Production Sites
Price: $1,000
Daily upkeep: $5

Garden Pump
Category: Water Tanks
Price: $500
Daily upkeep: $5

Author: OmaTana

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1 Response

  1. Fenrir says:

    Paletten werden leider nicht in der Konservenfabrik erkannt bei mir weder in der kleinen noch in der großen

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