Papenburger Map 4K v2.2

Papenburger Map 4K v2.2
2.2.0 Changelog
– Area behind house at the intersection leveled
– Parked cars placed more or less correctly
– Colis placed in paved driveways.
– Gaps in the sidewalks fixed in some places.
– “Invalid Case” errors removed.
– Grass removed from sidewalks in some places.
– Collis placed by some houses
– Floating trees removed/fixed
– Mission spawn and hotspots installed.
Happy St. Nicholas Day
I hereby present to you the Papenburg Map v2 4K
It is a 4-fold map
– It has 105 fields with a total of 1042.9 hectares
– 44855 trees
– Several sales outlets and productions. (If something is missing, let me know)
– Attention!! There is traffic but be careful at the big intersection, they only drive straight ahead. Be careful until I have installed new, functioning traffic lights or deactivate traffic.
– There is a small starting yard with a few machines. Only the bare essentials for now! There will be a proper yard in a future update.
– The decoration is not yet complete. Coming in the next updates
Known problems:
It can happen that the course generator puts a few jagged edges in the courses at the edge of the field. But it works.
Have fun…..
If you have any problems or questions, visit me on my Discord.
Greetings, Jimkerk
Author: Jimkerk
A layout of the map would be more appreciated.
having a blast on the map
keep up the great work brother
There is no unloading in the grain mill
There is an invisible wall behind the dairy
sell the grain mill and put the stock Giants one in, i had the same issue.
I love this map, so i tink for next update to switch my server map to this map.
So continue your the good work
How do we place rice fields? There is an error stating that you can not overlap other objects but there are no other objects. in that BIG open area where the grass is, still cant plop a rice field. And in the editor, i should click all terrain areas and auto select the waterplane. that is what is causing this issue.
So, i had to set visibility on the waterplane to NO, and I had to adjust the road splines, but i think i got it working. Splines are not positioned correctly for tractors with twin wheels or wide tires. They keep hitting buss stops and rigid signs.
bende oyun açılmıyor sebebi ne olabilir
Its because the map has the waterplane set to rigid, instead of rigid being unchecked. Also, the splines are to far to the sides of the roads, causing alot of collision for large tractors. I slid the spline lines towards the center, more middle left (to center) on each side of the road paths. I also added some new splines around the farm so the tractors dont get stuck deciding on a spline to take.
(im a map maker as well)
harita yüklenmiyor %99 da oyundan dışarı atıyor
There is a glitch while hauling trailers. The control menu keeps jumping around and it makes it very difficult to unload trailers since every time it glitches it cancels the unloading action.
I figured this out 5 min after posting…the grain mill that come on the map is glitched so i sold it and put the stock Giants one in and it works fine now.
First of all, nice map.
We have an issue in MP with seeders. If you try to use a helper for seeders, you cannot create a course for them. It works for harvesters and any other implements, but seeders don’t work.
the map has a lot of flaws. poorly drawn clues on fields 89, 1 and 2 (probably more – I haven’t tried all of them yet)
on field 89 it shows a wrongly circled area (I have the last line done and I have 76%
when harvesting is done, it does not count the percentages towards the harvest in the field, but only the transport of the grain to a designated point
Between fields 4 and 5 there are bushes that cannot be cut down and make it difficult to connect fields and cultivate them.
I dont see de map in game
there are floating trees behind the animal dealer. but the major issue i have had is field 40 AI or GPS cant find it, and the deadwood contacts don’t spawn dead trees
When you want to do a tree transport the trees say it is on a field but no trees there.
Roads on the map good to see.
I cant see the map in game
kinze blue power planter falls through ground and gets stuck with ai worker