Papenburger V2 4K V2.5

Papenburger V2 4K V2.5
Version 2.5
Standard HOF restored
BGA (109) + 3 silos is kept (wall remains)
Demolished all other farms
All special buildings and outbuildings deleted
The size of the reduced card to 488 MB
Explanation of my decision:
Since many apparently do not agree with farms and do everything of all, why should I do the work.
So everyone can build it as they wish. The card becomes smaller and I don’t always have to send everything.
It’s a win-win for everyone.
New backup required
I hereby present to you the Papenburg Card v2 4K
This is a 4X map – It has 105 fields with a total of 1042.9 hectares – 44855 trees
Multiple sales and productions. (Something may be missing, so let me know)
Attention !! There is traffic, but be careful at the big intersection, they only go straight.
Use caution or block traffic while waiting for new work lights to be installed.
There is a small starting area with a few machines.
First of all, only the bare essentials! There will be a real courtyard in a future update.
Known Issues: There are some invalid case warnings on Dediserver. I will correct them over time.
Version 2.4.0
– Fixed rice cultivation
– Hotfix textures of the pigsty drastically reduced
– Map size only 636MB
– Archive size reduced from 905 to 795MB
Unpack the archive and put the map and mods into the mods folder
from the folder the FieldTypes.grle into the savegame and overwrite it. Download save from the server, unpack –> replace grle, repack save and upload again
No new savegame required
Version 2.3.9
– Error Store Picture Could not be loaded Medium BGA (35) Gefixt
– No new savegame required
– Unpack map archive and add mods to the mods folder
– Streets and sidewalks now have terrain mesh (I still have to smooth it out)
– Bed in the main courtyard reduced in size (please paint over the layer)
– Bridge at the courtyard moved to the left (please delete the grass and repaint it on the right)
– Floating tree lowered
– License plate fixed
– Colli installed in the side and rear wall of the Bga silos
– BGA trigger fixed (109)
– BGA base hidden (109)
– BGA set back (109)
Required mods:
PlanET Modular BGA
Author: Jimkerk
rice and long grain rice are still broken
Thank you for fixing the rice. thumps up keep it up love this map
author, thank you for not correcting the error with planting rice, you probably have some kind of hatred for rice, otherwise why did you remove the ability to plant rice on your map?, otherwise this is the best map for me.
sollen die Hauptstraßen nun wirklich so sein? ganz schön holprig 🙂
wenn man mit schnellen fahrzeugen auf diesen straden fährt fliegt man jetzt rechts und links in die bäume, warum mußt du was perfektes so zerstören?
die karte ist sonst absolut genial und man kann über kleine fehler hinwegsehen, aber das mit den hauptstraßen ist absoluter mist.
top mit dem update savegame nicht mehr startbar.
met deze update kan ik geen aardappelen rooien slaat vast
Zuckerrohr ist auf der Karte nicht mehr verfügbar. Könntest du den wieder hinzufügen?
The map layout seems great but the documentation and these comments give too chaotic picture of the mod…I think I’ll wait if it ever gets finished
Könntest du mir sagen wie ich die drei Fahrsilos an der BGA auf Feld 109 entfernen kann. In der placebels XML finde ich sie leider nicht.
добрый день на вашей карте не работает вот этот мод Ropa Multifruit Custom V1.0.2,можно ли как нибудь починить?или как с этим модом играть на вашей карте?
ich kann plötzlich keine Wurzelfrüchte mehr ernten. Das hat bis gestern noch funktioniert.
сахарный тростник невозможно посадить данной культуры нету на этой карте хотя в сезоном времени сахарный тростник имеется