PJ Trailer Pack V1.0

PJ Trailer Pack V1.0
It’s been a while folks and here’s my first mod of fs25 took some learning to figure out this game so I wanted to start off with something easy and useful since i noticed the lack of trailers for FS25 Please let me know if you notice any bugs and I’ll fix them quickly
Author: Dtg616
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
THANK YOU! ive been waiting for a gooseneck trailer!
cant hook anything up
Works great! It hooks up to the tan international like in the picture. Allows vehicles and so far 84 pallets on the medium 5th wheel stacked 4 high..
What other vehicles can it attach too?
It works great, the back goes up and down pretty slow but ill get used too and is a 10/10 so far!!!!!!
also could you add pallets auto unload and load?