Production of cans V1.0

Production of cans V1.0
The D’AUCY can produce factory
You need carrots, green beans, corn, parsnips, peas and potatoes to make it.
Price: €180,000
carrots: 100,000 liters
green beans: 100,000 liters
but: 100000 liters
parsnip: 100000 liters
peas 90000 liters
potatoes 100000 liters
cans of extra fine beans: 95,000 liters
basic selling price 2.44€uro
Macedonian boxes: 95,000 liters
basic selling price 3.28€uro
Planter box: 95,000 liters
basic selling price 3.18€uro
Box of corn 95000 liters
basic selling price 2.40€uro
Cans of peas and carrots
Basic selling price 3.64€uro
Version in German, English and French
The sale is made in the store version
Author: artois stark, GIANTS Software
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