Richmond v2.1

Richmond v2.1
Flat Map with a big Forrest and big fields.
Lots of productions.
Starting farm with place for an animal pen (no starting vehicles)
Traffic and ai splines added.
Decoration added.
Error free.
Author: tylilgaming
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
bonjours très belle carte mais voila après l’avoir télécharger elle apparais dans les mods instaler et quand je demare une nouvelle carriere la map n’apparais pas ???? est ce un problème du mod ?? pouvez vous me dire car cette carte me plais beaucoup merci a vous cordialement
rename the file to and it will work
Once downloaded and put into the correct folder the map does not appear as an available map
field 3 shows a vehicle dealer even though no one is there
thanks for this the main vehicle dealer is in the corner that will still allow to visit i have found the problem causing the second shop to show it was the workshop i have fixed this and will re upload
map doesnt appear in game
La carte placée au bon endroit n’apparait pas ??
Map isn`t visible in mods.
Download the file now. it should work.
Thanks, fixed the file name to and updated the link
hi just done a download myself link still not right should be FS25_Richmond. thanks.
bonjours j’ai remarqué que le hangar de sockage du foin et de l’herbe , les bunker silo et un abris situé sur la ferme de départ ne sont pas vendable comment peut on les suprimer merci a vous codialement
they are pre placed so no but i will change this for the next update you can make it so you can sell them if you are familiar with xml
bonjour tres belle carte mais ne fonctionne pas meme en changant le non
love this map however with the update there are still things that need fixing such as some factories need photos be nice to be able to sell them or sped them up