Riverbend Springs – Cannabis Edition V1.1

Riverbend Springs – Cannabis Edition V1.1
Welcome To Riverbend Springs – Cannabis Edition
Map Changes/Additions
- Added Cannabis and Cannabis Swath
- Cannabis Swath Square and Round Bales
- Indoor Snow Masks Removed
- Snow will now build up on roads
- All Farmland is now buyable
- Increased drop amount for breakable rocks
- Customized Twister Speed, Size and Damage Strength
- Increased max hours it can snow in the winter to 24hrs a day
- All Bushes and Foliage can now be cut with a mower
Changelog Version
New Save Game Needed
– Doubled AI Barges speed while traveling down the river
– All wrapped Cannabis Swath Bales can ferment into Silage
– Train is now free to rent/use
– Logistic Warehouse (Pallet Buying Warehouse) Price scale has been reduced to 0.01 – Cheaper Pallets!
– Adjusted preview loading screen map image
– Remove TipCollision generated areas
– Increased Cannabis foliage LOD distance
– Replaced deco chicken coop with working chicken coop at main starter farm
– Increased Ltrs Per Square Meter for Cannabis and Cannabis Swath
– Added Small, Medium and Large Bunker Silos to the store for purposes of turning bulk Cannabis Swath to Silage
– Added more Harvest Ready Cannabis starting fields around the map
– Small barns around the map are now destroyed from previous twisters and need to be repaired
– Twisters can now occur in ANY season
– Removed all NPC’s around the map
– Increased Cannabis plant spacing
– Added Machine Cuttable Tree’s all around the map, and also a new forestry area
– Adjusted Max Allowable Tree Count to 20,000 – Starting Tree Count: 15,000
– Transformed Sunflower Farms Maze into a Cannabis Maze with custom deco silos
– Added additional breakable rocks around the map
– Reduced price of Riverbend Spring farmland (Farmland 255)
– Added Cannabis Swath (Bulk) to farm silos fill type category
Author: Squigglze
Really awesome mod, funny too. Can you maybe release a mod that would allow cannabis crops on all maps (modded included)? thanks in advanced!
Is it normal for crop growth to take 1 entire calendar year? or do I have some kind of bug?
Great Mod. Chicken pen was a great suprise. Even without the weed it is a better starting map then Giants. Keep up the great work and thanks.
stenen werkt niet goed, krijg zwart te zien
I can’t get this map to show up
I’ve tried individually moving each file, but I just cannot get this mod to work without crashing. Any help?
MEADOW is niet te maaien
Awesome jobs!!! Please consider those dev option:
-Multiple strains ( different yield / sale price )
-Possibility to transform into hash / ( Bubble hash washing stationg)
– Possibility to transfor hash into ROSIN ( press station )
Appreciate the hard works!
Hello, can someone tell me what the harvest time is after having planted? It’s been 2 months since the time shown on the calendar and it’s still not growing, the crop is still in the 1st stage of growth, thank you. (I have version 1.0 of the map with this new version, is that solved?)
Is it normal for crop growth to take 1 entire calendar year? or do I have some kind of bug?
great mod, waiting for further updates
Crop does not grow.
It’s really coolly done. I would be happy about some production like cannabis butter or cannabis oil. maybe even space cakes at the bakery.