Riverbend Springs Edit V1.0

Riverbend Springs Edit V1.0
The vanilla Riverbend Springs map with some quality of life and personal taste changes. Releasing this as I work on a 4x extension.
Functioning Additions/Tweaks
- Starting farmhouse & shed are now removable
- Grandpa NPC now lives next-door to Helper and not on your farm
- Dairy sell point has had the full normal Dairy production triggers and functionality added
- All ground paint textures available in build mode
- Sunflower Farm has been cleared out for an easier “build-your-own” plot
Planned Additions
- Sugar Mill across from the Oil Mill
- Make not-ownable land purchasable
- Bale storage added starting red barn
- Fast pressure washer
Future planned tweaks will all be save-game safe.
Author: Jazz
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