Riverbend Springs Edit V1.1

Riverbend Springs Edit V1.1
The vanilla map with some quality of life improvements.
– Grandpa NPC moved off of your farm across the street.
– Starting house and shed are now removable.
– Starting chicken coop actually functions.
– All ground textures added to build mode.
– Public land is purchasable.
– Dairy has all Dairy productions added.
– Sugar Mill placed in unused industrial area.
Author: Jazz
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
bonjours la cartes s’affiche dans les mods mais n’apparais pas en créant une nouvelle partie ???? pouvez vous me faire savoir comment faire merci d’avance cordialement
re : une petite erreur de frape ( en créant une nouvelle partie )