Schuitemaker Rapide 8400W v1.0

Schuitemaker Rapide 8400W v1.0
Rapide 8400 Windrower, convert from FS19, Mod von Giants BDBSSB NcRaiders Velocity DK. Function is tested, collision from the trailer activated, collision from the rake arms deactivated, textures/color adjusted so that they work in FS25.
Feedback is welcome as I’m still in the early stages of modding.
Author: Midnight
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
that mod is a plow
the download link takes you to another mod
and not the Schuitemaker Rapide 8400W v1.0
Fixed. thank you.
Thanks for adding this, can you add the Silo that Misticat had as well.
update for new version fs25
this one not working behind a corn harvester for silage
I ran into a glitch where anything I pick up disappears once it huts 20,000l