Silent Hill v1.2

Silent Hill v1.2
Boundaries Fixed
This a 4X map with plenty to keep farmers busy.
Has around 79 fields and additional farmlands with trees
There is a train and a number of productions as well as a Farm Supply store, BGA and a few other selling points
The map is mostly flat with 1 hill smothered in trees and is eerily quiet.
Author: cbdemill
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
Bridge still not passable. Also, there ls a feed mill in the center of the map that’s about 12 feet off the ground………..
There is an invisible wall on the line between fields 93-95. Vehicles get stuck and sometimes get stuck there.
Some of the fields u can’t fertilize at all it says 0% even after u fertilize and plow and cultivate and seed and fertilize again still 0