Slip No Grip V1.1

Slip No Grip V1.1
Changelog v1.1:
– Traction slightly increased from v1.0
– Tire Width affects Traction
Slip No Grip reduces the Friction of every Tire in game.
Default Friction is set for every tire at “1.60” (apart from one or two tires) which I do not like. I have adjusted every tire in game to a lower value.
All tires for Vehicles set to “0.60”
All tires for anything being towed set to “1.40” (Implements and Trailers, this is due to some Implements snaking too much when set to “0.60” and some Implements using “trailer” tires.)
How to use:
- This folder ONLY contains .xml for every shared tire in game and is NOT a mod that goes in the regular mods folder.
- This will change ALL tire grip levels.
- Make sure to create a copy of the original tires folder. data/shared/wheels/tires
- Drag my tires folder to replace the old and replace all files when asked.
if at any point you want to return back to default simply delete your tires folder then rename “tires_COPY” with just “tires”.
I hope you try this simple adjustment and give feedback.
Author: Soulvex (soulware3d)
Changelog v1.1:
Traction slightly increased from v1.0
Tire Width affects Traction
Very cool idea. A bit too aggressive for me though. But if it could be made as a mod with slippage settings, that would be great.
Maybe v1.0 is too aggressive, v1.1 in the video i’m climbing a 30 degree soaking wet mud hill and almost make it with normal sized tires. not it would be that easy in real life.
If you haven’t please try v1.1
Thanks for the feedback.
This is what we need,more realism.Thank you very much for the mod,i’ll give it a go 😀
Thanks for trying, let me know what you think so far.
name off the file ist not correct only will not work
The file should be, it is to be unzipped and placed in data/shared/wheels/tires after creating a copy of your tires folder so you always have an original.
Its a solid update, i’m going to give feedback as soon as possible.