Small Production Pack V1.0

Small Production Pack V1.0
Bakery FAST
Customized cycles per month 1200
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Bakery OP
Customized cycles per month 3600
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Canned Packaged Factory Fast
Customized cycles per month 1200
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Canned Packaged Factory OP
Customized cycles per month 3600
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Carpenter Fast
Customized cycles per month 1200
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Carpenter OP
Customized cycles per month 3600
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Dairy Fast
Customized cycles per month 1200
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Dairy OP
Customized cycles per month 3600
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Grain Flour Mill Fast
Customized cycles per month 1200
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Grain Flour Mill OP
Customized cycles per month 3600
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Grain Flour Mill Fast
Customized cycles per month 1200
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Grain Flour Mill OP
Customized cycles per month 3600
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Oil Plant Fast
Customized cycles per month 1200
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Oil Plant OP
Customized cycles per month 3600
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Sawmill Fast
Customized cycles per month 1200
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Sawmill OP
Customized cycles per month 3600
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Spinnery Fast
Customized cycles per month 1200
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Spinnery OP
Customized cycles per month 3600
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Sugar Mill Fast
Customized cycles per month 1200
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Sugar Mill O.P
Customized cycles per month 3600
Adapted recipes
Adjusted capacity storage
Author: SBModding
It seems that the profitability of producing certain products is not as high as it originally was, and may even lead to losses.
Maybe a bigger output area since it can only take one pallet at one time and even with the mod for the bigger pallets its only placing one at the time
The carpenter’s building doesn’t accept wood. Working only with palleted planks.