Tässi Farm V1.0

Tässi Farm V1.0

Welcome to Tässi Farm. Tässi Farm is a small cow farm located in the southern part of Estonia. Established in 1997, it has been in operation ever since.

Below is a list of what the map includes:
– A total of 7 forest areas with over 22,000 trees in total
– An industrial area to sell every FS25 crop and product
– A small cow farm that can be fully customized
– 20 fields ranging from 0.9 to 15.3 hectares
– Custom Estonian license plates
– A new crop type: PEAT
Peat in the map can only be harvested with special equipment from the Peat Equipment Pack. If you don’t have this mod, the peat function will not work.
Peat cannot be planted—only harvested in a specific area of the map. It regrows by itself on a large dirt patch between small ditches on the northwest side of the map.

For other modders who want to use the peat system on their map:
You are allowed to implement the peat system into your map, such as adding the fill type to your map and sell point and making it functional,
and I would appreciate it if you could credit Carl-TG as the original creator of the peat mod.
Modifications or reuploads of the peat system itself, including textures or other assets, are not allowed.

I hope you guys enjoy this map!

Author: Carl-TG, WikkyPlays

Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.

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About Farming Simulator 25 mods
Farming Simulator 25 supports game modding for PC, Xbox, or PS5. FS25 Mod may change your game from small to complete changes. You can create a Farming Simulator 25 mod file and share it with our community. When is a good time to try Farming Simulator 25 mods? We recommend playing a game with these FS25 mods after you finish the Farming Simulator 25 starting pack and are bored with the game basics. So it's time to try new machines, such as harvesters or tractors, which are not included in the basic game version.
As you already know, Farming Simulator 25 developers support mods installation, which will add more vehicles or lands to your game. Check our Best FS25 mods lists for PC, Mac, PS5 or Xbox Series. Just follow these simple steps: choose the LS25 mods category, download the mod for the Farming Simulator 2025 version, and install it into the mod folder. Remember, all Farming Simulator 25 Mods are free, and download as many as you want with no limits. We want to create one of the biggest Farming Simulator 25 Community and invite you to share FS25 mods with everyone.

1 Response

  1. Fry says:

    The trees are… weird. Trees towards the edges of the screen are bent outwards. So a tree towards the left edge of your screen leans to the left and if you turn and face that tree it goes back upright.

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