US Flatlands Map 4x v1.2.1

US Flatlands Map 4x v1.2.1

Here is a fairly basic US style flat lands map (4X)


  • Added Train and 2 Grain elevators (one is the EU one as I am not a mdoeller)
  • Sped up train slightly due to map size
  • Replaced License Plates for US style
  • Added additional ponds
  • 200 Fields of varying sizes
  • Ideal for field farmers
  • There are selling points and produtction points to get you going

One man show, so I’ve tested as best I can. Unsure why hired helpers don’t do things right, has been ok for me but will keep trying to see why it happens to others. Only implement I have had sinking and not moving is the modded Kinze MultiFruit planter. Will need a new save game due to field alterations for railroad.

Author: geeman72/Giants

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31 Responses

  1. FABBjunkie says:

    Your doing great work man, keep it up!

    • ultra produtions says:

      i love the map sofar thanks for makeing it im going to download this vs as well im building on it adding in more trees but now i thank withis one start over like the small fields i wish i could make my own map but good work love it sofar

    • baranowski says:

      nie działa


    Love the map keep up the good work!

  3. Farmer Me says:

    Excellent work my friend – all the updates are very much appreciated

  4. marcello says:

    bonjour petit probleme je veux envoyer un tracteur d’un endroit a un autre on me dit l’ouvrier c’est arrete et ne peux pas aller sinon superbe carte j’aime les cartes plates et terrains carres cela peux aller avec une mise a jour excellent travail et bravo actuellement il faut conduire le tracteur manuellement

  5. Big c says:

    The helpers work fine in fields. But it looks like there isn’t a traffic spline system for the to use on the the ai can’t find thier way to destinations.

  6. Paul says:

    Do you have to start a new save game to make everything work right? All the hotspots seem to be gone.

  7. loup says:

    bonjour tres beau travaille felicitations mais il a deux gros soucis on ne sait pas vider moulin a grains au dessus du champ 162
    et deuxieme probleme avec les missions de mise en balle quand on les prend on va sur le champs et il a pas de paille a ramasser merco

  8. fortknox says:

    unable to sell wood at the sawmill

  9. Avery Loucks says:

    Is a great map but it magically dissapeared from my save games and i lost next to 10 hrs of work seemed t6o hyappen last night before v1.4 came out

  10. Caliver says:

    Friend, there are some fields that are not receiving fertilization.

  11. JP says:

    Target unreachable for the AI on this map

  12. SimmySquad says:

    Still Loving this map for sure! I appreciate the work you have put into this map. As I know you are a 1 man show and can’t test everything, I would like to point out a few things that I have noticed so far. Debris crusher doesn’t show the rock texture (just shows up as a black skin). AI can’t drive to location but does great on working fields. Some fields I can’t use the MacDon windrow (It could just be the crops that have been extended on the latest version), and those that I can use it on don’t always count towards completion (I work around this with doing the contract and then dev tooling in the money for the contract). Again keep up the great work my friend!

  13. Stephen says:

    need stones working as they are not showing

  14. Gogeta84 says:

    Very good work, your map is great Geman72/Giants. Keep improving it. Back on the AI ​​bugs with the busty ones. Bug that with busty mods, this original game works. On the other hand, since your version v1.2 v1.2.1, we can no longer plant rice.

  15. big t says:

    great map….. but there is a random fire hydrant in the middle of the road by the supermarket between fields 60 and 61. And the guard posts at every intersection are a little annoying to get big equipment around.

  16. Jatala says:

    Lot of thanks for your hard work , Niec effort . No doubt, this is one of the best maps ever released ، AI can’t drive to the location , Cos road network have not proper preset as a ROAD , also Collision filter Group (HEX) and Cllision Filter Mask ( Hex ) are wrong for FS 25 . Placeable Sawmill have not entry as a Store Item.

  17. Leootjuh says:

    we cannot use the flower power grain mill

  18. Marcus says:

    i love this map but one thing on field 4 my worker gets stuck every couple meters while plowing, and the ground info map for plowing, lime etc is totally messed up in the upper left corner around field 4…the issues are new since update 1.2.1.

  19. tuvius says:

    workers aren’t working on the fields at least on MP and fertilizing doesn’t work. Thanks

  20. yonut gugulea says:

    good evening, there are big problems with the map, the automatic worker when sowing gets buried, the seeder gets stuck at the ends, there is another problem when joining the lands, the game gets stuck and you can only connect to that save

  21. Leo says:

    This latest update did something to the fields once you work them they end up with spots all over that won’t roll, have different levels of fertilization that does not change with fertilizing. On prior version this was not happening.

  22. yonut gugulea says:

    good evening, there are big problems with the map, the automatic worker when sowing is buried, the seeder gets stuck at the ends, there is another problem when joining the lands, the game freezes and you can only connect to that save, solve these problems, it’s a beautiful map

  23. yonut gugulea says:

    I mention that I was playing on a dedicated server and the sower that crashes is the 4905 blue drive

  24. David Woodard says:

    been using for a few hours now and have run into trouble. AI mostly not finishing contract work, also they don’t go to destination until they are very short trips. Wood hauling doesn’t supply all the logs to finish the contract work. Seem that when using EnhancedVehicle mod it doesn’t keep true 90/180/270 lines on the map. As far as all that I do like the map and hope everything gets worked out and starts working.

  25. Udo Specht says:

    Es sind einige Felder die man nicht bearbeiten, Sprich man kann keine diverse Dünger aufbringen. Auch auf der Map ist nichts zu sehen. Andere Felder werden auf 100% als Gedüngt gesehen. Bitte ausbessern.

  26. Jiří Rajman says:

    zdravím nefunguje mi hnojení pole nevím co s tím udělat poradíte někdo prosím

  27. jira says:

    hello, the fertilizing field is not working for me, I don’t know what to do with it, can someone help me please?

  28. yonut gugulea says:

    hello, all points of sale, gas stations, factories, that is, everything, disappear from the map

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