US Flatlands Map 4x v2.5

US Flatlands Map 4x v2.5
Here is a fairly basic US style flat lands map (4X)
- Fixed Grain Mill points
- Added river (means a new save game if you want to use it as fields have changed)
- Added brewery
- Added additional products (I have done a lot of testing so all should work, Sugar Mill, Bakery and Brewery)
- Paintable grass is quite tricky, so have made all the other land Mowable meadow, which will also cycle through various growth stages, so continuously re-grows.
- 200 Fields of varying sizes.
Author: geeman72/Giants
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
Thank you for the hard work on this map.
tried 2.5 but stuck at loading vehicles 97% of 3 different machine.
Brand new save slot. not sure why its doing this.
Tried with mods and no other mods.
Having same issue, with no mods its fine. If I add anything it won’t load and stops at ‘2024-12-14 12:32 data/placeables/mapUS/warehouseLogisticUS/warehouseLogisticUSProps.i3d (13.04 ms)’.
Does this on single player and multiple (self hosted and dedicated).
If the AI worked properly, the grass didn’t show next to the fields andddd last but not least if the mirrors were working this would be the very best.
Yes agree, if the AI work properly. This will be the best map
Great map.
What is the point in starting new game when there is a new version ?
Please stop creating new versions where there is a new saved game required.
doesn’t show in map list
Mapę pobrałem na szybko dwie uwagi
– brak możliwości wypożyczenia maszyn w zadaniach dla innych farmerów
– zlecanie pracy dla AI np. dojedź do danego punktu pracownik natychmiast kończy pracę
Ótimo trabalho que você esta exercendo neste mapa, está de parabéns, estou jogando muito em seu mapa, estou acompanhando desde o primeiro e vendo muitas melhorias, mais tem dois pontos que gostaria de compartilha que venho acompanhando, sobre as roda dos tratores e equipamento nas estradas de asfalto, as rodas fica aprofundada no asfalto, isso só ocorre no asfalto, e o outro ponto que alguns campos, fazendo a tarefa de contrato não computa a contagem de porcentagem de tralho do campo, levando o cancelamento do contrato.
E obrigado !
Farm shop icon is in the wrong place,fix that
shame some people do not have manners you should stop being demanding and ask politely
This is a very good, I’ve played all the update version but unfortunatly this version seems to hang at 97-98% and doesn’t want to load, I hope this can be fixed as I’m looking forward to playing the new version. Please keep up the good work
having same problem here it loads if I overwrite the previous version but then you do not get all the updates but if I try to load new start then it hangs at 98%
Love this map but sadly the AI road pathing and alignment is terrible. Unless you want to drive all the roads yourself. dont play this map. I think he should make all the road 4 lanes… then they might not just zigzig the shoulders. Also it need RR xing stop lights.
try to paint in bushes it say its not suported in the map