US Flatlands Map 4x v3.0

US Flatlands Map 4x v3.0

US Flatlands Map 4x v3.0
AI traffic on all roads
Added Rail crossing lights
Workers seem to be able to get to where they’re going now (must be tied in with AI road system)
Train is back to default speed to make crossings more realistic
I would suggest a new save game so you don’t lose anything

Author: geeman72/Giants

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40 Responses

  1. Raddox says:

    I love this map, and appreciate all the work you put into it!

  2. BoereWors says:

    Thank you for all the updates.
    Will start on v3.0 over the weekend if not a newer one by then with your speeds.

  3. Michael Tibbetts says:

    How do i get jars to make mustard?

  4. Jackie grooms says:

    add hemp and tobacco and clover

  5. Mark Zeilstra says:

    ehh where is the train?

  6. Ethan says:


  7. Brett Lecuyer says:

    animal dealer not showing up on map.

  8. Donald Hansen says:

    The shop seems to be missing, unable to buy any equipment.

  9. joachim solvang says:

    Seems like the trigger for Workshop is not working. The building is a rad over the ground, so the area you park on, is under the ground

  10. MajorLunatik says:

    Map not showing up so cannot play it, does it need to be manually unzipped?

  11. Jake says:

    Every time I buy field 169, save the game, quit and restart, I no longer own it.

  12. the king says:

    Bonjour possible de voir pour les mission bois les mission sont en plein champ et certain rondain flote dans les air merci et bravo pour votre travail

  13. Holger says:

    On the US Flatlands Map 4x v3.0 Map, the trigger for unloading the Mustard Factory does not work properly. I can hardly unload anything.

  14. Shen says:

    No pallets showed up at the mustard factory. Water can be sold at the factory. A sales point next to the train station does nothing.

  15. Yakob says:

    It appears there is only one Sugar Mill on the map. It also appears you cannot build a sugar mill on this map that has the “Yeast” option. For me personally, the Sugar Mill is in a very out of the way spot. Any chance you can add another one or add the ability to make a Sugar Mill with the “Produce Yeast” option? Thank you very much for your hard work. I LOVE this map.

  16. Ledaro says:

    The trucks and trailer stuck in the ground at the unloadingpoint grain silo west. near field 183/184. You can not drive any more. Not forward, not back. I really love that map, put this mistake leads to a bad gameplay. Reset the truck means to loose all the fruit on the trailler.

  17. Gene Collins says:

    between field 44 and 123 is just one spot that vehicles/Equipment hits something and throws it in there air there are many spots all over the map though

  18. DerekB says:

    Appreciating the improvents keep up the awesome work.

    Discovered while cutting trees, you cut a tree down but theres another tree duplicate in the same place you can cut down .. only tested this so far on the patch of trees just below the main farmhouse.

  19. Brandon says:

    There are no buildings on farmland No. 18, but the land price is unreasonably high.

  20. Michael Tibbetts says:

    the ware house by points are not working it keeps saying to many pallets in slot. also when we buy a factory on the map and sell it back it dissapears off the map

  21. Coastal says:

    How to remove the wandering animals near main farm?

  22. Nick Dyer says:

    Amazing map but, I am having an issue with the Grain West Silo. I can’t drive in the ramp level seems to be flat.

    But I do love this map

  23. ThreaXus says:

    Very nice map, still missing a animal shop

  24. Ewen says:

    Nice, Thanks

  25. DerekB says:

    issue with field #169. you buy it.. when i load back in i dont own it and can buy it again.. but i load back in.. and again i dont own it.

  26. truckenj says:

    field 24 the bridge collision id set to long might be something for ya to look at.

  27. Farmer Giles says:

    Really appreciate all your efforts and updates – loving the map.
    However, unless I am going blind – there is no where to sell the cream, strawberry yoghurt, quark etc.
    Also, as others have pointed out – there is no animal dealer showing up.

  28. Rob says:

    Hello, I like the map, but there is a dark tree like shadow on field 99 on the end where the trees are/were. Were because I removed the trees and created more field there. The dark shadow like areas are in two areas that I cannot remove, paint over or anything. They are very defined and easy to locate.
    Thanks, Rob

  29. Dushca says:

    Hello, i love to play the map. I play together wth my husband in multiplay.
    Today we bought the brewery but we cant buy or produce yeast.
    I hope there will be soon an sollution.
    Please without new savegame 🙂

  30. Franz says:

    Brauerei funktioniert nicht kann keine Hefe kaufen oder produzieren kann keine Produkte abladen egal was bitte ändern.

  31. Franz says:

    Brauerei funktioniert nicht kann keine Hefe kaufen oder produzieren .

  32. Jennifer says:

    the store where buy livestock is missing on the map

  33. maaslander says:

    hey are you still working on an updated version seeing alot people reported a few bugs? i really like the map but in it current state its kinda useless.

    best regard

  34. Ethan Ad says:

    my dude why you dont update it anymore ??//?

  35. Inked4Evr says:


  36. Hank says:

    Ai still des not drive the map. I think he gave up on trying to make the map functional.

  37. Gogeta84 says:

    Hello, when is the next update? With the return of the Animal Farm and the fertilization levels that we still don’t have? Maybe see an update with the new factories

  38. FatFinger says:

    output on mustard plant is broken does not uotput any pallets! 🙁

  39. Russell R Dahl says:

    Mustard Factory Doesn’t work correctly. Product doesn’t present itself at all

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