Vehicles and Tools Pack D-H V1.0.0.1

Vehicles and Tools Pack D-H V1.0.0.1
Vehicles and Tools pack from version 22 rewritten to version 25.
Machines from companies starting with letters D-H:
Dalbo: maxicut600, megaRoll2430, powerRoll1230
Degelman: rockKing, rockPicker
Demco: series2200, sideDump
DeutzFahr: header4090, header4090Trailer, topLiner4090
Duevelsdorf: meadowRollerVario, mss3000, mss3700, silagewalze2600, silagewalze3000
Einboeck: chopstar590RowGuard, exact600, pneumaticstar900
Faresin: telehandler626, telehandler626Electric
Farmax: drp300Perfect, krg
Farmet: kompaktomat1570Max
Farmtech: fortis3000, polycis1550
Fendt: dynaFlex9255, favorit500, ideal, idealPL, mt900, powerFlow, powerFlow30FT, rotana160V
Fliegl: silowalze, timberRunner, tmk273
Fuhrmann: trailer14500L
Grimme: ft300, gl420, gl860, ks754, rexor6300, rootster604
Hardi: commander4500DF, navigator4000, rubicon9000
Hawe: ulw4000
Heizomat: hm8400KLC
Holaras: hulk300, mes500
Horsch: joker4CT, terrano3FX
V1.0.0.1 Fixed:
– Fendt Ideal trailer fill trigger
Author: Wrobelmen