Vodka factory V1.0

Vodka factory V1.0
The modern Vodka factory. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation.
You need sugar beet and oats to make it. the recipe is simple, but they are very easy to use resources,
Price: €220,000
sugar beet: 240,000 liters
oats 80000 liters
Pallets: Vodka 75000 liters
basic selling price 2.57€uro
version in German, English and French
The sale is made at the store
Author: artois stark, GIANTS Software
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Great mod thanks! I was thinking maybe a version that uses potatoes and water? Pretty much all you need for vodka. Might be able to change in xml myself not sure I’ve just started dabbling in that.
why oats and sugar beat….. Vodka is made from corn, or potatoes, in some rare cases grains like wheat.