Rottumer Island V1.0

Rottumer Island V1.0

Welcome to Rottumer Island. It is a fictional map based on my imagination. The story behind the island is that it is reclaimed land from the Wadden Sea (Netherlands) to make more room for diary and arable farming. It also has a production forest for lumber that can be used on the island or be turned into products that can be exported to the mainland as products. The dairy farms you find on the island are based on farms on the mainland in the northern part of the Netherlands to see how they would function on an island. The island consists of several lakes and waterways that connect them. You can use those waterways and lakes to get water for your animals and/or greenhouses for example, but not from the smaller ditches!
The biggest part of the island is flat so you will be able to build your own farm or productions where ever you like. You can also fill in the ditches to combine fields or farmlands if you enjoy bigger fields.
You start with 1 dairy farm and the arable farm which have most of the equipment and supplies you need to get started.

By buying farmland 1 you will get access to the ‘unbuyable’ land. So you can for example mow the sides of the road and combine fields together! Sidenote for multiplayer, all the fences belong to FarmID 1.
The equipment that is recommended for the map is small to medium in size for the best playthrough.

What you can find on the map:
– 3 Dairy Farms
– 1 Arable Farm
– 1 Farmhouse with 3 Greenhouses
– 1 Small Contractor Yard in the main town
– 1 Horse Farm
– 1 BGA that has been boosted (also accepts straw and sugarbeets)
– Several productions like: a Grainmill, Dairy, BGA and a Sawmill
– 87 Fields
– 98 Farmlands (including the fields)
– 2 Production Forests
– 2 Sheepbarns, with one that has a Spinnery nearby
– 1 Small Cow Pasture
– A forest, that can chop down but where do the animals have to life?!
– 1 small building plot near the docks
– Serveral Sellpoints acrosss the map

No collectibles (yet). Have fun starting your adventure on Rottumer Island and enjoy the scenery when you have the spare time!

Author: Marnux Mapping

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Farming Simulator 25 supports game modding for PC, Xbox, or PS5. FS25 Mod may change your game from small to complete changes. You can create a Farming Simulator 25 mod file and share it with our community. When is a good time to try Farming Simulator 25 mods? We recommend playing a game with these FS25 mods after you finish the Farming Simulator 25 starting pack and are bored with the game basics. So it's time to try new machines, such as harvesters or tractors, which are not included in the basic game version.
As you already know, Farming Simulator 25 developers support mods installation, which will add more vehicles or lands to your game. Check our Best FS25 mods lists for PC, Mac, PS5 or Xbox Series. Just follow these simple steps: choose the LS25 mods category, download the mod for the Farming Simulator 2025 version, and install it into the mod folder. Remember, all Farming Simulator 25 Mods are free, and download as many as you want with no limits. We want to create one of the biggest Farming Simulator 25 Community and invite you to share FS25 mods with everyone.

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