CR11 Multifruit V1.0

CR11 Multifruit V1.0
CR11 Multifruit
Category: Harvesters
Price: $850,000
Power: 775 hp
Max. speed: 40 kph
Filling capacity: 100,000 liters
Supported crops: Wheat, Barley, Canola, Oat, Maize, Sunflower, Soybean, Sorghum, BeetRoot, Pea, GreenBean, OilseedRadish, Grass, Parsnip
FD250 Cutter
Category: Headers
Price: $162,000
Required power: 775 hp
Working width: 15,2m
Working speed: 15 kph
Author: _Lordi_
Report bugs in the comments and help modders improve this mod. Always check the comments, you can find a solution.
it doesnt even work nice job at failing to edit a mod
so achei que a capacidade podia ser pelo menos uns 1.000.000 de litros
it doesn’t work on spinach 🙁 But it works on parsnips
Hi man, thanks for the mod, i have modified the xml to correctly get all crops, for some reason the cutter is not configured as the harvester and just changing the “fruitTypes” and adding all fruits seems work. I’m really really new with modding but for me it works, could just make this change to make this mod perfect and share this little change to the community? Thanks mate.
please tell me how you did this. it would help me alot
just modiefied fruitTypes with this:
fillTypes=”wheat barley canola oat maize sunflower soybean sorghum beetRoot carrot cotton pea oilseedRadish parsnip grape greenBean oilseedRadish potato rice riceLongGrain spinach sugarbeet sugarcane weed” and works perfectly.
It would also help me a lot, as I’m really not familiar to modding at all
I tried a few ways to insert what you pasted into the cutter xml, but either the header had gone from map/shop when game loaded, or it was still unable to harvest green beans, spinach.
What I don’t get, is that as Lasse posted above, it worked on parsnips, but I can’t even see parsnips listed when ctr+f for it?
Anywho, would you be able to post what you added and specifically where in the xml please?
Hopefully Lordi can fix their file and re-post it.
nao da pra coller espinafre nao funciona no espinafre
hello, you made the best harvest combination, but potato, beetroot, cane, green beans are missing, please update and add these as well THANK YOU VERY MUCH
hello, you have made the best harvest combination, but potatoes, beets, cane, green beans, spinach , please update them and add these too. THANK YOU SO MUCH
hello, you made the best harvest combination, but potatoes, beets, cane, green beans, spinach, rice are missing, please update them and add them too. THANK YOU SO MUCH
a needd help to get now